stutheninja's favorites:

site average score creator added on
?YTMND Pianist: NEDM (fixed) (4.32) smoothmedia 2007-01-13
get music treacher to play!
stutheninja 2007-01-13
?NEDM attacks Power Rangers (4.47) fuzzy 2007-01-13
Just cause
stutheninja 2007-01-13
?NEDM Guitar (4.38) awesomezilla 2007-01-13
fucking amazing
stutheninja 2007-01-13
?P1ZZ4 GUY G3T5 D0WN (4.26) BTape 2007-02-20
p1zz4 is c001
stutheninja 2007-02-20
?clap of doom. (4.02) KentonT 2007-02-20
stutheninja 2007-02-20
?SHOCKING CATS (4.65) echo24 2007-04-10
omg rofl cool
stutheninja 2007-04-10
?Blackzilla! (3.75) textbook 2007-05-21
blackzilla strike!!!
stutheninja 2007-05-21
?C64 Classics: What is love? (4.20) zapa 2007-05-25
sounds sweet
stutheninja 2007-05-25
?(nsfw) THIS SHIT IS BANANAS [Mitch Hedberg] (4.23) thetoad 2007-07-14
where is my red banana
stutheninja 2007-07-14
?Timeless Romance Epic (4.40) militiagung64 2007-08-07
stutheninja 2007-08-07
?(nsfw) Interjections! (School House Rock) (4.56) smoothmedia 2007-10-05
stutheninja 2007-10-05
?Weird Al Versus MC Chris (Uncensored) (4.54) cheeesemonger 2007-11-03
stutheninja 2007-11-03
?Sundaes Make Kirk Douglas Lose Control (4.12) MRMIC 2007-11-06
stutheninja 2007-11-06
?(edit) R.I.P. Crippled Spidey... 1995-2006 (more tra... (4.47) money-hat 2007-11-08
stutheninja 2007-11-08
?How To Get NEDM (3.97) HonkeyyTron 2007-11-11
stutheninja 2007-11-11
?The Size of Our Pennies (500% More Mason - Exc... (4.58) Cac0 2007-11-11
stutheninja 2007-11-11
?Saving YTMND (updated silhouettes) (4.35) jondoogin 2007-11-12
stutheninja 2007-11-12
?Ultimate Battle (3.92) Bob-the-Builder 2007-11-20
?Luke, we're gonna have company! (4.67) briglass 2007-11-30
?YTMND Conference 1945 (4.24) infinityDUCK 2007-11-30
?How to defeat insurgents in Iraq (4.24) tkx7 2007-12-03
?THE SMARTEST PERSON EVER!!! (3.18) DekuNUT 2007-12-03
?Real Letter from Teacher (4.40) Digeridude 2007-12-03
?Who Murdered the Most People? (2.27) whetstone 2007-12-03
?National Lunacy: The Bauman Burglary Bonanza (4.59) UberAoC 2007-12-03
?(nsfw) Nicolas Cage Shits Himself (4.45) fourest 2007-12-03
?(nsfw) Not-the-Mama Queefing! It's great fun (4.21) goax2x 2007-12-03
?PC Guy 0wns Mac Guy (3.95) Umaycallusq 2007-12-03
?Hard Safety (4.65) fearcondom 2007-12-03
?300: That's Racist (4.63) Khaaaaaaaaaan 2007-12-03
?Ah, the Imperial Watch... ( Oblivion ) (4.10) HotaruKei 2007-12-03
?Fatty Feels Left Out (4.38) Sergeant-Sassy 2007-12-05
?Nigga visits Amsterdam (4.25) stallion49 2007-12-11
?Iron Chef America: HAMBURGER (4.34) MrBlaQ 2007-12-11
?Bush Loves Black People (3.85) N4TH4N 2007-12-11
?Chunk Addresses Congress (4.62) BTape 2007-12-11
?Woo-kiee, Woo-kiee, someone move this Walking ... (4.34) money-hat 2007-12-11
?In Loving Memory... (4.10) mundermann 2007-12-15
?Lazytown 9th Audition (Search for a new Stephanie... (3.89) BoredJedi 2007-12-15
?First Group To Build A Snowman Wins! (4.52) fourest 2007-12-23
?Operation Covert Clown (4.69) Sylvester 2007-12-23
?YTMND clothing line! (4.04) kingstefan 2007-12-23
?Cats in ur stuff doing things (4.56) yoyoyoyyoIG 2007-12-23
?Ex Gon' Give It To Ya (4.35) Hawkman 2007-12-26
?YTMND Council prepares for war! (Version 2.0!) (4.15) Volais 2007-12-27
?The Fresh Prince Jumps on It! (refresh) (4.08) Spiffy 2007-12-27
?New Talent on 60 Minutes Vol. 2 *firefox sync* (4.67) VIsraWratS 2007-12-27
?New Talent on 60 Minutes (4.78) Improviser 2007-12-27
?Soviet NEDM (4.61) ImTheDogNowMan 2007-12-31
?Did you get my package? (xmas) (4.04) agentanderson 2008-01-01
?NEDM Army Attacks Gravity Cat and Allies (Now ... (4.12) munkeypants 2008-01-02
?Darth Vader's Wonderful Time (4.51) Corevirus 2008-01-03
?(nsfw) technical difficulties (3.88) bigmoney 2008-01-03
?Hello. My Name's Forrest Gump. (4.19) State-of-mind 2008-01-03
?*~A Tiny Glimpse~* (4.66) smoothmedia 2008-01-18
?Mel Gibson Watches Spongebob (4.12) Stickavalancheman 2008-01-19
?Look! Up in the Sky! Its a Bird! Its a Plane!.... (3.92) smoothmedia 2008-01-19
?halo holy combat (3.37) starwarsowns 2008-01-21
?Gman: YTMND Hostage Crisis (4.19) ObsidianFD 2008-01-24
?(nsfw) Fuck. (3.94) wylde-overdrive 2008-02-02
?Sponge bob is Angst (now Synchronize) (4.18) apesofdoom 2008-02-06
?Operation Party Hard 15:03:08 (refresh) (4.07) anyanon 2008-02-21
?(nsfw) Your pundit got armor! (3.81) antigravity 2008-02-26
?Dance Geoffrey, Dance (3.65) bluebomber30 2008-04-02
?An Honest Question... (3.47) ThunderChunky 2008-04-04
?I'm sending out an S.O.S. (4.29) Feedrosie 2008-04-05
?LOL IRON MAIDEN!!! (4.39) ImTheDogNowMan 2008-04-07
?Masters of Nothing (4.64) fearcondom 2008-04-09
?Will Smith's Successful Video Game (4.33) MrSinistar 2008-04-13
?Rejected Cadillac Ad (4.15) dctownes 2008-04-13
?Jax Shakes Babies (4.11) HoodOrnament 2008-04-23
?meDIOval times (4.32) phatjoe 2008-04-25
?house car boy girl puppy kitty (4.13) fearcondom 2008-05-19
?Sh--'s, Bananas (4.29) mik3m 2008-05-24
?candy coma (3.74) fearcondom 2008-06-03
?Bill O'Reilly Doesn't Understand The ... (4.39) fourest 2008-06-03
?Bill Baba O'Reilly (4.08) fourest 2008-06-03
?REALISTIC NES GAMES!!!! (4.47) LePape 2008-06-08
?(nsfw) Jessica Alba Ultimate Greatness (Refresh) (2.75) Craig23 2008-06-16
?No Refunds (2.88) mik3m 2008-06-17
?Eyes of Kassius (4.01) Kassius 2008-06-25
?Global Warming ANALYSiS: We Stayin Fresh (4.07) Click 2008-07-01
?Stapler Faces Off Against the STAP-1000 (3.91) theultrayik 2008-07-01
?Clay Aiken's new hit single (4.18) dmaz 2008-07-01
?Ghostly grove (update) (4.23) wisdumcube 2008-07-01
?Clay Aiken: The Untold Story (4.63) syncan 2008-07-01
?Monster Hunter - Serious Business (3.72) Champ 2008-07-02
?(nsfw) Mr.Owl schools youngbloods (4.63) fearcondom 2008-07-17
?He projects images into your brain... (4.13) Famery-Gai 2008-07-18
?He projects images into your brain... (4.07) Famery-Gai 2008-07-21
?I think fast, I talk fast, and I eat fast (4.23) DarkTree 2008-07-21
?300TMND: This... is... sausage! (4.62) Darkhand 2008-07-26
?Metal Gear Solid 4's Climax (3.84) Koncur 2008-07-29
?Learning to Fly (4.38) blag 2008-07-29
?Selective Seeing (4.03) eatcrayons 2008-08-14
?PrintScrn (3.90) BTape 2008-09-13
?Love In These Cuffs (4.72) fourest 2008-10-31
?All Your Owl (sound fixed? Refresh) (3.80) DarkVolcanoSam 2009-01-26
?Bale to play us out (4.66) VIkerTratS 2009-02-04
? (4.58) DonaldMcRonald 2009-02-04
?cosby vocoder (enhanced) (4.39) TheWhiteRider 2009-02-04
?(nsfw) Cheney is at it Again (3.50) BaftA 2009-02-04
?look at that hat... (4.70) rayro 2009-02-14
?(nsfw) E-harmony Rejection E-mail (4.54) Nocturnalgamer 2009-02-14
?Tom Hanks Rocket (4.69) blommer 2009-02-14
?(nsfw) Vader Proves His Loyalty (4.03) NiteSky 2009-02-16
? (4.62) abroerman 2009-02-18
?YTMND: Mad World (refresh) (3.76) TheRaven7 2009-04-12
?Lion King 4: Forbidden Unity (3.00) rmine 2009-05-02
?Dr. Horrible's Trance Ray (4.44) Harbltron 2010-04-27
?It's Good! Want Some? (4.76) PCF 2010-08-27
?Tubular Nets (4.71) astuteNacute 2010-08-27
?The Secret Is Out (4.62) PCF 2010-08-27
?Congrats! You win Kool-Aid! (4.59) rival13 2010-08-29
?Don't Stop The Referee Now (4.38) alvarado6411 2010-08-31
?(nsfw) That is not a sausage... (4.61) PlatformerMastah 2011-07-09
?Big Bill Hell's Cars (4.86) D-Mastuh 2013-04-18
?catonakeyboardinspace (4.63) napalmnabuco 2014-01-03
?Picard Song (4.56) ShittyMcShit 2014-01-03
?(nsfw) Wow is serious business (4.02) cloudy01 2014-01-03
?Hippo (4.37) Shaolinwind 2014-01-03
?CUPPYCAKE GUMDROPS (3.69) max 2014-01-03