a drunk driver hit him, not the other way... that is sad. I hate how people can be so heartless... I hope when those people die, people are the same to them.
hey that's really good, but I think your chords are a bit off.... what I did was:
Am [002210]
Fmaj7 [003210]
Cmaj [032010]
Em [022000]
then for the ending part
you played it very well though!
there is a 4th dimension, and I have to use it for my damn calculus calculations, there are an infinate amount of dimensions, and I've personally used up to the 5th dimension in calculations.*
sound doesn't have a dimension... each dimension is an extrusion of another. For those who say that it's not changing when moving into the 4th dimension, you're idiots. The point does not change when it moves to the 2nd dimension. There is a fourth dimens
"It's not 4d..." Actually yes it is, it's called a hypercube. It expresses the change in a cube. And the 4th dimension exists. It's what you watch when you see a movie. It's a 3 dimensional array(3 2D layers of RGB) changing over time... that is 4D
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