panaceamedia's recent comments:

December 1st, 2009
Sorry dude, most people are miserable no matter how much they pretend not to be. But you are making an effort, so you definitely have the strength to get this through this time. Good Fortunes to you Sir.
November 21st, 2009
On on the site ?Political Ad
was a 4 until the very end.
November 13th, 2009
also NIN when that video first came out but don't want to show my age.
November 13th, 2009
Kinda reminds me of the second to last guy in Manhunt 1.
November 6th, 2009
Seriously? You don't need to debate whether or not the two songs sound similar enough to consider the "writer" a merely have to listen to one to realize it's a shiite childlike beat to begin with. No scratch that. Sesame street beats and cereal commercials have 'songs' more talented than this tripe. Hell, the retarded bum howling at the sky while banging two trash can lids together creates more inspired and creative sounds. F$#% the Pavlovian corporate music industry.
October 23rd, 2009
On on the site ?CHALLENGETMND: 1.01
If you wanted a "1" you shouldn't have made me chuckle with those scribbles at the end. You have only yourself to blame.
October 22nd, 2009
On on the site ?Inquirytmnd
Anyone who chooses to erase part of their memory is doing a disservice to their consciousness and should just get their entire brain lobotomize because they aren't going to be happy anyway. Plus most people do this already except instead of "devil" it's the "bottle" or even "religion" or some sort of crutch to not deal with their past problems. This said, I've had some pretty bad experiences but have never been tortured or raped, so I'm just answering for everyone who hasn't experienced the worst of it
October 15th, 2009
On on the site ?GAY SITE
If I ever get another serious girlfriend, I will ask you to make a site for her and then I'll tell her I did it. Don't worry, she'll be pretty as to not threaten your artistic integrity. Thanks in advance.
September 25th, 2009
On on the site ?JOKE SITE
no one expects the kay-an incoherentwishing.
September 12th, 2009
September 12th, 2009
The "Israelis" that have power are not even close to the ones who have been persecuted throughout history for A) #1. #2 B) if every group and sub group who have been abused by those in power tried to take over and kill everyone we'd all be dead. C) #3 didn't your mother ever teach you 2 wrongs doesn't make the Hoff happy?
September 9th, 2009
"Yitmend" actually. Yitmund is a little too jewy for me.
September 9th, 2009
Oh sh!!te Syncan, really? I've been pronouncing it like an acronym all these years...wish someone had informed me of this sooner.
September 9th, 2009
I make "her" a YTMND of what an awesome date could be like, then when her eyes widen say "not really skank", slap "her" in the face, bend "her" over my couch, and laugh at 'her' deformed genitalia. Or maybe just go out for tea and conversation.
September 9th, 2009
NEGROS RIDE IN THE BACK! (unless you are the driver: taxi or bus usually, but we'll make an exception this once)
September 8th, 2009
Reply to prairiedogeric10's comment on the site ?
How many times have you accepted the government's version of a world changing event, an event which affects you directly through economical means and if you know anyone in the military, by default and moved on without researching the evidence like a good little patriot? That's how corrupt power/legacy addicted people achieve such high positions. With your help. By the way, spouting out "Loose Change" just shows you haven't done the research because that is NOT the forefront evidence in the truth movement
September 7th, 2009
On on the site ?Girl Next Door
I lol'd though I wanted to 1 you for actually watching a Taylor Swift video. I honestly don't even know if Taylor is the guy or girl. I just know it's a terrible "musician" but I listen to so much terrible garbage, I get confused who is who.
September 7th, 2009
On on the site ?sitcom limbo
Question: When I was a kid, there was a simple cut off point to whether or not someone was "old". If their favorite TV shows were in black and white. This obvious black line has changed into a murky gray. Can the line once again be solidified? How? If you masturbated multiple times to Ms. Milano before she had several baker's dozens of dicks inside her?
September 7th, 2009
Reply to montereymatt's comment on the site ?
Monty: What about the 2 vans full of Mossad agents screaming for joy? That's not some myth; that's proven fact by 2 police depts. 1 van had explosives (ala OK City bombing) in case job didn't get done (i'm guessing) and the other van had fake passports and other papers. TRUTH: if you don't want to study the 9/11 evidence, fine: but anyone who takes the government's version by default has been heavily indoctrinated; mentally manipulated through repetition. Part of your mind is owned by the US of A.
September 6th, 2009
On on the site ?Is max a girl?
She has the ugliest thumb I've ever seen on a female. PROOF. +1 for username, your brother cries.
September 6th, 2009
5 because it made me laugh. -1 because you are an egotistical indoctrinated fool.
September 5th, 2009
Your points are so retarded, literally. Like a brain cell deficient Corky offspring clapping along to whatever the idiot boxes tell you. Nevertheless, it looks cool and decent photoshopping.
September 2nd, 2009
So THATS where I left my spare Grandma and mexican snake oil salesman!
September 1st, 2009
Please watch your language. This is a children's YTMND.
September 1st, 2009
I remember this episode vividly. It was that day, while eating wheaties with sugar in front of our little black and white, that I finally understood what it meant to be a man.
August 26th, 2009
To own retardedly brainwashed Rellikmit once again: I bet you give a similar site a 1 when Laura dies. Hypocrites like you make this world a sh*t place.
August 18th, 2009
On on the site ?flying cats
Yeah when I played this, a cat outside made a similar noise....guess I have my speakers up too loudly?
August 15th, 2009
Think about why Murdoch would give a bi-polar his own show.
August 15th, 2009
I owned Rellikmit in a PM. I'll share with whoever wants to see it. But to properly dispute this particular point, I say to him: many of the rich acquired their wealth by stealing from the masses.
August 6th, 2009
moreso they are biased against ANYONE NOT ON EITHER SIDE. They want you to pick a side, and they will ostracize you in many ways if you don't.