I remember this part in the movie, I was all like "Don't go in there, there might be a zombie!" and sure enough he goes in there, and guess what he finds? The hamburglar.
"Look at him, he's a butthead... just like his old man was." "Don't you dare speak that way about Calvin Kline, you're not even half the man he was." What!? You'll create a time paradox! Marty, you can't go changing the future like that!
I liked it. Ron Paul is a good guy and all, but I could never vote for someone who doesn't support equal rights for insects, to me, that's the fundamental issue of this election, and the reason why I'll be voting for the Rose Haired Tarantula / Al Gore ticket.
Everyone... this is the last time we fight together, okay? What I'm trying to say is... after we beat Yu Yevon, I'll disappear. I'm saying goodbye. I know it's selfish, but this is my story!
"So how's everything tasting?" "Pretty good." "Well great, let me know if you need anything else." "Actually, could we get some Mikeol Fhellpes catsup please?" "Sure thing. Need a refill on your Mecael Pelphs Pepsi brand Pepsi soft drink?" "No thanks I'm fine right now." "Alright, I bring that catsup right up." *Delivers the goods* "Anyone else need anything?" "Uhh.. no I think we're good now." "Great. Enjoy your meal." "Thanks."
A list site with a serious intention, I honestly was expecting #1. - NEDM. Thank you sir for proving my intuition wrong. In regards to the content, I say lets overload the core, run our asses off, and then start rebuilding again from the ashes. We could live in teepees for a while, at least until foreign aid comes to help us reestablish a working infrastructure...
It's not about changing YTMND, it's about doing our best to leave YTMND the way it is. It's about respecting the will of others, and believing in your own.
It's time for me to go... and with me the last ember of this fruitless fad dies out. At last the old evils will be gone. Once the source of a fad returns to zero, a new meme will be born... That meme is your's to live in.. not as a snake, but as a user.
5 Cuz it's funny, and thats all that matters. I love how people take YTMND so seriously, as if making an old joke is really anything worth getting upset about.
in control, but unknown for how long that will remain the case...
Therefore, user Jonesman, YTMND is not dead, you are just witnessing a battle, between two of the world's largest forces. It is a secret war, and it has been waged for over 4 years. Even now though, the Wisemen are not surrendered and have plans, plans which should be put into action soon. If they succeed, and the old evil era dies, a new age will begin... This age will be yours to live in, and to witness, not as a frog, but as a man...
extended user base. Max and the Wisemen have been vying for control since 2004, with neither side being able to claim a foothold. Though Max is admin, and has stripped away many of the Wisemen's additions, and took their money $1,116.76 in all, away from their site, they have tenaciously held on to their creations and sites, trying to push their agenda. It is unclear even today how many Wisemen frequent the site, and how much they control the flow of information on YTMND, but it is clear that Max is still
Ibn-Ahaj. Since that day, a covert war has been waged between the Wisemen and the Max. The true YTMND, that is, the YTMND that was thought up two hundred plus years ago, exists only as a husk, the intentions dried up from years of abuse and in-fighting. It remains, though, as a grisly entity, barely clinging to life in the shadows of the internet. Though the original is in a state of perpetual half life, the new version which like a phoenix rose from the ashes of the old, thrived with the input of it's
powerless to stop it. For a while YTMND.com existed as Max Goldberg had originally intended, but soon the Wisemen hatched a plan to alter it, by using their influences in the law, they had found a way to force the Max to change the site. YTMND was a servant of Max, but the internet had no master. Forcing the removal of the original YTMND, the Wisemen quickly established their own version, which allowed all users to join in and modify it as they saw fit, which they had since realized was the true will of Max
it reach it's true potential. Max Goldberg, being the sole bearer of YTMND, decided to make a singular site, with no ability from visitors to alter it. The council of wisemen were distraught, even those who agreed with Max's course of action, simply because there was no true consensus about the action, and the wisemen never acted if a single nay vote was raised. And so, a rift occurred between the 15 Wisemen and the Max. Max bearing the physical entity had by far the most control, and so the wisemen were
for simplicity sake,) had decided to implant YTMND onto a computer, and allow people to access it via the internet. The descendants of the original 16 Wisemen had convened, the last time the wisemen had met was over 200 years ago when YTMND was formed. There was a great debate over the proposed action, there was a split, many did not believe it to be the intention of Max Ibn-Ahaj to allow everyone access to the site, allowing them to change it, while others argued that only if all men could add to it, would
establishing the tradition of naming all the keepers of the Wiseman's creation Max. YTMND flourished for over 200 years, but as the modern age was born, as the digital age came to be, something changed. In the early nineties the internet was in it's infancy, but intellectuals the world over knew already that a revolution was about to begin. Now the honorary title holder was a man known as Steven Goldberg, although as tradition dictated, he should become known as Max. Max Goldberg (we'll refer to him as this
establishing the tradition of naming all the keepers of the Wiseman's creation Max. YTMND flourished for over 200 years, but as the modern age was born, as the digital age came to be, something changed. In the early nineties the internet was in it's infancy, but intellectuals the world over knew already that a revolution was about to begin. Now the honorary title holder was a man known as Steven Goldberg, although as tradition dictated, he should become known as Max. Max Goldberg (we'll refer to him as this
all vestiges of humanity, but to him it was a noble cause. And so it became Max Ibn-Ahaj was now YTMND. The noble dream which was YTMND would live so long as Max did, and since the dreams of the Wiseman's Committee were safe, they disbanded, and allowed their creation to flourish. For a while, things were good... Max Ibn-Ahaj eventually died, but before his death, he passed on his gift, to another, a Scotsman named Douglas McGrady. In honor of the gift, Douglas McGrady changed his name solely to "Max" thus
together in perfect harmony. However, such a radical idea was muchly feared during such turbulent times. However, once it had been born into the minds of men, YTMND was fully functional. The men who had first created this radical innovation knew perfectly well what would happen should it be discovered, it would be destroyed mercilessly, and their dream would die. One brave man of this Wiseman's committee Max Ibn-Ahaj stepped forward and volunteered to have YTMND implanted into himself. He would loose all
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