Ever wonder why there's all these movies about people taking over the airwaves then being f*cked over or bought out? 'Network' is nothing but cold war propaganda when they were afraid of a universal communication among the plebs like the internet has brought. Lucky for them it's just a bunch of goddam retards spamming the same inane sh*t wherever you go. One day we are all gonna be mad as hell, and not gonna take it anymore, but not while we're still making a comfortable living from genocide and destruction
I see it all now.. HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS DID 9/11!!! HAMAS D
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airborne_leaflet_propaganda - There are six different functions of airborne leaflet propaganda that have been used over the past century: 1. Threaten destruction: Warn enemy troops and civilians that their area will be targeted...
gumcounter, not quite. The universe is a 2d projection on our retina. Both frames used are from the same time, one is made from a 'left-eye' perspective with the other the 'right eye'. Combine them both and our brains reconstruct the 3d image.
These dictatorships repress any political opponent, especialy organized religion. It is a means of controlling and centralizing power and authority. Many countries have and do operate as a theocracy, rigidly enforcing one belief system on pain of death. These are very similar to dictatorships, but the political dogma is replaced my a central, usually State church. Both ideologies have been responsible for history's worst genocide and massacres, and neither have anything to do with atheism.
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