I was a bit hesitant with the drum beats at first, but it grew on me. What a bloody awesome remix for a bloody awesome song from a bloody awesome video game!
Sad how such brainfarts get published in newspapers at times (granted, it likely happens all over the place for publications that align themselves with either extreme of the political spectrum, and combining any number of issues with other unrelated ones). I want rationality for everybody... right now. D:
The sad thing is, it's very much more likely than not that any possible/plausible (in terms of initial choices, chances in winning the party nomination and/or the presidency) candidate on both sides will completely suck. I WEEP FOR MY NATION. D:
Christian persecution in Rome does NOT equal medieval (this point in Roman history was several hundred years prior to medieval times). FACT CHECKING IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! Also... sponsoring oneself to get into the sponsored list? Tsk. This DESERVES a downvote.
It made very little sense until the Carl Winslow bit (otherwise kinda crappy in terms of seamlessness... but what can I expect?). For that, you get a slightly better vote!
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