metallicaworshipper's recent comments:

You guys are *ssholes.
February 25th, 2006
you know, conan really does have a creepy face.
no, no -- slipknot sucks. haha, awesome.
January 23rd, 2006
On on the site ?Blaze Bayley LIVE
very cold. :P
January 23rd, 2006
haha...papa roach.
On on the site ?Oh Ashlee.... :(
that was really painful to listen to.
November 14th, 2005
On on the site ?TACO NAZI the taco nazi anything like the soup nazi?
November 12th, 2005
LOL, oh, this is beautiful.
November 12th, 2005
lol, funny....and i never noticed how easily anime girls friggin bleed.
November 11th, 2005
i would actually love to see that....but i'd probably have to shoot myself afterwards!
November 4th, 2005
well, that wasn't really constructive criticism, that was just you being a bitch.
normally i'm against people using lots of makeup, but...she might wanna look into it.
i have a friend just like that...i think i want to hit her now.
On on the site ?Peewee!!!
that is hell's soundtrack.
On on the site ?This Kid is so noob
November 3rd, 2005
i'm going to puke now...
November 3rd, 2005
On on the site ?
lol, i don't care about the logic or anything....the song was priceless.
November 3rd, 2005
words can't express how wrong this is
October 28th, 2005
i think i'm freaking in love....i gotta show this to my emo friend. NOW.
October 22nd, 2005
i'm scared to leave the house now
October 21st, 2005
oh man, that is painfully gross
October 21st, 2005
haha...and i thought i was an over-emotional bitch.
October 21st, 2005
man, people who type like that and use myspace are basically sub-human anyway.
October 21st, 2005
lol, well, that's a moderately helpful piece of advice
October 14th, 2005
man, i dunno it it's the lyrics or what, but mario's face - to me - screams 'pervert' anyway. O_O
On on the site ?Metallica in MegaMan
haha, that's a cute little james sprite, though.
hehe, cute. the music is great for this.
On on the site ?Zelda Midgets!!
On on the site ?Soylent Green
god, i could go insane listening to that over and over.
"oh no, i'm a hate tax to mario"? freakin sweet.