gosh..last night i dreamed that I wanted abe vigoda to die so bad that he actually died..then his ghost haunted my thoughts. He was dressed up in scorpius leather and made me call him harvey
oh ell oh ell, it makes an 80s references so likez iz FUNNY omg the 80s, I lived then..remember that guys? hey remember the 80s? remember the smurfs? OMG remember..thuh SNORKS?!?!?!?!?
oh my gosh, that woman got pwned because she only studied the old testiment, she should get pwned for it. Jesus created a new covenant at the time of his death renduring the old laws obsolete
A.) Sneak into the old man's apartment
B.) Go rob a gas station
C.) Blow your Idaho trumpet and summon the white horsemen from on high to rid the projects of hyphonated cultures
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