I can find select quotes if you want, but many news anchors, especially on MSNBC say things like "Could this just be that American's are against having a black president?" Of course that is probably the case for a small minority, but I think most of the people who are against Obama aren't against him because of the color of his skin. After all, he is half white.
They have had 4 videos now (Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday). Not to mention they were kicked off the census and the Senate voted to take away their funding yesterday. And Charlie Gibson hasn't even heard about the story? C'mon. No ABC and the likes are too busy covering the Joe Wilson "scandal" and calling people who disagree with the health care bill racists.
Well, ABC and the rest of the mainstream media is being awfully silent on this story. I know they are not covering it because it makes their "Chosen One" look bad, he was a lawyer for ACORN after all. But if they want to keep any kind of credibility they need to cover the story.
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