You're not bound by the law to be courteous. Personally, I was really pissed when I heard about 606. This time around, I was expecting it. Plus, these facts don't take much away from the work as a whole. The point of book 6 wasn't to know Dumbledore dies; it's to enjoy the story, same with this one.
No, because people will assume, without evidence otherwise, that you don't know how to use comments. Whether or not that deserves negatives, I don't know, because the purpose for the +/- is not clearly specified. You got "downvoted for doing nothing" when something was expected: a comment.
Right, silenoz, because doing something you enjoy that harms no one and entertains others is "even worse than pathetic." Nice job, I liked it. Did the last mine actually animate its way back there or did it just appear?
I really appreciate how you've given reasoning and responded in a very civil manner. That's what makes me like your site so much. Too many times, with or without fallacies, the tone of a religious/conversion (you know what I mean) YTMND is so arrogant. I still have strong doubts, like how you can jump to an abstract concept like a diety and assume it can transcend all other barriers, especially simply coming into existence, but this makes me think and I applaud that. Nice job.
YTMND Store would generate more income, give people what they've wanted for awhile, allow for more advertising to perhaps more capable users, and make the donations(/downations?) more organized, I guess.
For a money base that idea seems to win for first choice.
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