bodegit's recent comments:

June 1st, 2007
god i wanna f*ck condi
May 31st, 2007
when when you see a black family it says they are looting, when you see awhite family is says their looking for food
May 27th, 2007
how dar yooooou!! she will never be Stephanie
May 26th, 2007
On on the site ?yaymyfirstsite
yay, commetnts!
May 26th, 2007
May 24th, 2007
On on the site ?G8 Dogs
so world leaders don't wear ties?
May 24th, 2007
Jathen...You're silly.
May 21st, 2007
On on the site ?Peter Griffin in 1984
I was expecting an Orwellian literary reference.
May 20th, 2007
Sucktion cat?
May 20th, 2007
On on the site ?Oh Ashlee.... :(
lay off the cigs, bitch.
May 11th, 2007
i didnt know people watched homesta runner
May 11th, 2007
we dont fly airplanes into your mudhuts!!
April 28th, 2007
On on the site ?Do The Internets
the better bush ytmnd
April 28th, 2007
On on the site ?Boogie-Master Bush!
thas mah n*gg*!
April 26th, 2007
why is this so funny
April 22nd, 2007
On on the site ?Quake II (UPDATED)
you need to tighten up the graphix.
April 16th, 2007
maybe too soon?
April 16th, 2007
they do have apicture of an asian guy in handcuffs for some reason. this kinda looks like him but i really cant tell the difference from one asian from another
April 16th, 2007
dont do anything drastic max. PUT THE GUN DOWN!
April 12th, 2007
On on the site ?alex beatz
wow. break it down dog.
April 9th, 2007
On on the site ?(nsfw) An EPIC mount!
wherr da gold at. i want da gold.
April 9th, 2007
On on the site ?(nsfw) An EPIC mount!
congrats on winning ytmnd view lottery.
April 8th, 2007
April 8th, 2007
On on the site ?Dane Cook is a Genius!
I think this fad of young adolescent males hating on dane cook stems from a deep seeded uncomfortability with their sexuality. dDane Cook, with his loud and obnoxious demeaner, tight clothing, slender muscular body, and sauvely gelled hair, makes young boys immediately fall in love with him. Their attraction to this man makes them uncomfortable at a very confusing time for them. Thus they release their confusion and pent up sexual desire as aggression towards this otherwise extremely talented comedian.
March 10th, 2007
best 300 site fer shur
February 25th, 2007
February 24th, 2007
On on the site ?catonakeyboardinspace
god of the internets
February 24th, 2007
over my head.
February 24th, 2007
needs glowsticks.
February 4th, 2007
i like the mashup of sports in the keywords. and manning is king. extreme closeuppppp!