You left a comment on my site to bring me to this piece of trash. I'm appalled. Not cause you're making fun of Irwin, just cause the quality of the ytmnd sucks pole.
as stupid as this? "lol it haz maerio with a litesaba!!!111" - yeah well it's not funny. It's stupid and the fact that you would even post something like this is beyond my comprehension. You disgust me. You f*cking disgust me.
And your proclaimed "clash of the lightsabers was just a picture of mario and luigi together with piss-poor lightsabers that my 3 year old kid... no - my 3 month old aborted fetus could draw with both nubs behind his back. Why did you ever make something
you're just one of those kids that puts classic nintendo characters in things and hopes for some good votes. Try newgrounds, at least a 3 is guaranteed for anything involving mario and luigi.
God I hate you so much.
Being completely serious here, this is the worst ytmnd I have ever seen. Mario, sith lord? What the hell were you thinking? And the "who will win" in the last frame... terrible. This whole thing is just completely awful.
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