TheFlesh's recent comments:

February 26th, 2009
This is so good because it has a good chance of being about 75% true
February 17th, 2009
It's alright though, because all the college students and ignorant politicans know more about war then those fighting in it,right? These terrorists have tried to create some severe attacks on our home land already and have failed in every attempt since 9/11. We will see what this new president does to keep that up. All these terrorists will have their chance to be removed from the face of the Earth though. Unless you are one of those people that think them blowing themselves up is the proper way to end war
February 17th, 2009
I do not work for the military but I support them. I don't trust/agree with every government agency but I still support them as they are still part of what I know is the greatest country on the face of the Earth. If you live in the same country, i suggest you take a step back and think about what your saying about the military because it "reeks of ignorance" as you put it. Like it or not, men and women put their lives on the line for you to say stupid stuff like that.
January 31st, 2009
Terrorists have strongholds in pretty much every Middle East country and people who woulda listened would have known the War on Terror would be a long plan to remove these radical Islamist from power. You act like Hamas hasn't done anything to warrent an attack. This was an ongoing thing and there have been Isreali lives lost as well. These "Palestinians" want Isreal gone. And a show of strength means nothing to these people. They need to be removed to solve the problem.
January 31st, 2009
You've hit on everyone of the main points of why America sucks to those who disagree with it. Thats great and all but you're forgetting that building nukes eventually led the Soviet Union into a situation where there economy collapsed and they lost. You also forget that we did not send our tropps into Vietnam with the means to win a war, just prevent an invasion. No force wins a defensive war. You also forget that Al Queda is not an entity that just existed with Bin Ladin.
January 31st, 2009
Funny, on your maps does it say the country of palestine or are you maybe forgetting that it was the same for the area in which the Isrealites settled. I just saw a map that showed "Palestine" but it was an area broken up into 12 parts. These areas were named after the 12 sons of Jacob. This still has no proof of their being a country named Palestine. It's only an area in which JEWS settled.
January 22nd, 2009
The mainstream media treats Isreal like sh*t. Give me a break. The "palestinians" never had a country. Moses was there before they ever were. The Isrealis gave the gaza strip away and then Hamas used it to launch rockets into Isreal. Real peaceful people. It doesn't f*ckin matter if they were duds or not.
January 22nd, 2009
On on the site ?Why Israel Had To Act
If f*ckin canada killed two people with rocket attacks into the US every year, wed blast them off the map. We'd do it if they launced a few duds too. So maybe you should stop treating the Isrealis as criminals. Idiot.
January 13th, 2009
except losing your life for those people. Guess that wager is not too high either.
December 22nd, 2008
For instance, in roman times Christians were sent to their death unless they converted. While many did convert, there were those who stayed faithful through prayer and may have died for their faith but because of their strength they eventually were allowed to live amoungst the Roman people and even helped christianity become the main religion of the Roman Empire. You tell those people that their prayer didn't matter.
December 22nd, 2008
the reason for prayer is to both develop your relationship with God and to also help you find out what you really care about. As for it being useless because of free will, thats not necessarily true. While we do all have the free will to do good and bad, God still tries to set us on the right path and through prayer we can try and do that. Man still has the opportunity to deny this or accept it.
December 22nd, 2008
There are three stages of life. One is where you know nothing and therefore believe in God. Two is where you know a little and therefore don't believe in God. Three is where you know a good bit and you therefore believe in God again. Those that are Atheist or Apathetic think they know that there can't be a god because science disproves him or because there are too many attrocities in the world. The more intelligent man realizes that these don't do anything to disprove the possibility that there is a god.
December 22nd, 2008
yeah godfather. There's also the fact that if you use a knife made by some manufacture to kill someone, I'm pretty sure its the killers fault for using the item improperly. Man is doing the same here. They are using God improperly. Neither god or the manufacturer can do anything to stop these things because of free will.
December 22nd, 2008
even weather effects are not atrocities of god. Think of how the flood or lots of rain in any form would give civilzations the water they needed to survive. We just have grown to a point where we have houses that can be affected by hurricanes. Men used to live in caves.
December 21st, 2008
^^^to clarrify, how bout you try and do something about it. Those in poverty are in poverty both because they don't know how to get out of it and because most people don't give a sh*t. There are those in poverty to put themselves there and those who need help from those that have the means to help them. It all comes down to free will. It has nothing to do with the goodness of God whether you believe in God or not.
December 21st, 2008
Yeah, see, theres this thing called free will. That means you can be a asstard and do whatever you want. It is up to humans to be good. God had nothing to do with those things. As for the unfortunate unperfectness of life, that is the way it is. Its our job to overcome these things. By showing pictures of what you would call the "less fortunate", you are making the statement that their life sucks. Therefore you are using your free will to be a terrible person.
December 14th, 2008
Epic American Flag manuever. Look as it moves out of the way of the shoe
December 12th, 2008
Yeah, everything would be so much better if it all conformed to the same exact fad everything else conforms to. This is the only juvenile farting site that actually works.
August 18th, 2008
On on the site ?Moments before death
the image doesn't do much for me but Tool is awesome
August 12th, 2008
Once a physic is making tons of money, you know its bullsh*t. Their might be ghosts, but most of it is bullsh*t.
August 12th, 2008
He did slow down numb so that makes this site a low quality jab at linkin park. They aren't the best and only the top bands don't repeat once in a while. (Led Zeppelin BY FAR and U2 I think have very unique music) No one tops the uniqueness of Led Zeppelin. If you hate linkin park then you can't really comment because music you don't like or listen too always sounds the same. This is horrible because, having listened to Linkin Park, Numb sounds heavily distorted. You can make anything look like anything.
August 5th, 2008
You're comment is not even funny, just a annoying-and sucky posting
August 5th, 2008
what they are trying to say is, are you a man?
August 5th, 2008
What is this Cuftz you speak of
August 5th, 2008
5 for the song. 6 for the really hot girl shakin it to the left of the screen when owl headed white cop comes on. She got some moves.
August 4th, 2008
You're forgetting the fact that the black hole has a good chance of just collapsing in on itself because it can't support its own weight. This is how we explain that a black hole (which exist in our very own solar system) can't just keep grabbing all matter and eventually taking the whole universe. They eventually can't support their own dense weight and collapse. Plus isn't it moving anyway. Its not really being created at rest if it is being created. I'm not en expert but maybe you have some insight.
July 27th, 2008
you're a random comment poster
July 27th, 2008
On on the site ?Love In These Cuffs
This is one of the best remix fads i've heard. And its length is actually long. NICE
July 21st, 2008
On on the site ?Halt, I am Reptar!
If you look closely, there are also vertical lines as well. You failed to mention this in the your sources. I'll let it go this time but next time its gonna mean stars buddy.
July 2nd, 2008
replace porcupine with a picture of PICARD with Jamacian hair and youve got yourself a BadFadTMND