As an electrical engineer, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, chief. (Although I felt exactly the same way back when I first learned about imaginary numbers.)
Complex numbers are needed to model certain physical systems in physics and engineering.
If you want another example of why they're important, the fundamental theorem of algebra (which deals with the number of roots a given polynomial equation has) can only be proven if one allows complex numbers as solutions.
The picture is of the complex coordinate plane. Instead of x and y axes (the cartesian coordinates we are familiar with) it has a real axis and an imaginary axis. A complex number a+bi can therefore be represented as a point in this plane, located at the coordinate (a,b).
i was really bored and did some calculations...the throw takes no less than 4000 pounds of force to bring the ball to escape velocity in three frames at that angle i think...
Normally I kill people when I hear this song. But I never noticed this part makes her sound like a deaf-mute with nasal congestion so I lol'd. Also wtf.
there was a captain planet episode where they travelled back in time to stop hitler from buying an atom bomb. (ma'ati elbows hitler in the face to escape a chokehold.)
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