The Lego Island sound is from that spooky cave where Captain Click the Pirate is. One of many planned, but not included things in the game was to go on adventures with Captain Click, but instead, in the game, Captain Click is unseen, but his cranky voice goes on about how he wants you to go away and he needs his beauty sleep.
Cheezy, like his last name, and the other YTMND with Two in Giant Cartoon Animal Costumes, one of them a Smiling Red Fox with the Silver Shamrock Jingle was funny.
Men are pigs. Let's either 1: listen to Libana and become Wyccan Womyn, 2: Form Emo groups and talk two @$* much about Donald Trump, Barack Whitman or Harry Truman, or 3: GO on hate-filled beatings, burn down peopls' cars/houses/Patriot Tyranny Cameras and Blog loudly about Star Wars VII/VIII/IX/Effeminate Sailor/ROgue XI/Yes, we know Africa and Asia exist #justnotstarwars/ROVELOFELOKLOL/Acolyte/Boba Fett/XII/EMasculated Obi-Wan.
Just as long as you don't become a Plastic WOman Group Halloween Monster Heathens.
WHich kind of Racism? Pro, Anti, SIde, Reverse, Classic...
How many +s, how many -s, how many Anne Heches and how many PETA Supporters? How many dummies flipping out and how many skeptical/cynical assholes (you included)???
I did his makeup with my fuck-yer-censoring-motherteresaloving-climatechange-twister-makethetin mancrying-liberal-zombie-skankyvandal-InternetConvulutedTirade Monnster Truck!!!!!!
SRMeteo's recent comments:
...And Fuck High School Musicals and Prostitution.
And CBS Women Mummies who think we're in 1863 or something.
And Sonnenburg die Dieckmeister thought Lwaxana Troi was bad.
The Moral of this (abridged) story? Money talks.
Very Happy Halloween 10-31-2006 Y'all.
Just as long as you don't become a Plastic WOman Group Halloween Monster Heathens.
How many +s, how many -s, how many Anne Heches and how many PETA Supporters? How many dummies flipping out and how many skeptical/cynical assholes (you included)???
Well... I guess it had to be said.
mancrying-liberal-zombie-skankyvandal-InternetConvulutedTirade Monnster Truck!!!!!!