The picture at the end is a picture that I posted of myself on a forum with a lot of YTMNDers, including Awesomebob. So, he made a ytmnd with it. And a very cool one at that. :)
Small minded? There's nothing small-minded about having a religious view. There is something small-minded, however, about accusing those who share their religious views of being small-minded.
Stephen Colbert is a moron. Ignoring the obvious differences between races is foolish, we simply have to recognize that they exist and happily accept them as part of life, rather than use them as an excuse to hate. Also, you are taking this way too seriously dude.
This is a pretty good YTMND. Though, IMO, it would have been better if you had made Happy Cat heads appear where her boobs were and then turned this into NEDM.
You're a f*ggot for two reasons: 1. You actually downvoted something because it lacked accuracy. 2. You fail to realize that, if I had been accurate, no one would have found this funny.
Be a YTMND member for more than two days, actually make some sites of your own, and learn more about YTMND as a whole and maybe then you'll understand Roger. There are tons of sites out there that exist solely for the purpose of providing loops to the YTMND public. Search 'loop' and you'll see. Furthermore, simply because YOU don't see a use for it doesn't mean someone else won't. I don't even know why the f*ck I waste my time trying to help ungrateful *ssholes anymore...
Sorry, just did that so that this comment would be more noticeable. Has anyone else been having problems lately with images not loading in ytmnd sites? The sound will load for me, but the image will never show up. I have to go to the page sources and copy paste the image link into a new tab or window to figure out why a site is funny. :(
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