2. There's a slight continuity error.
First scene: "*FART*-ophone! He was a *frrt* musician! You didn't know him!..."
Second scene: "Maybe you could get the local jazz station to do a tribute to him!"
I expected 'big spoon'. Then I saw the GIF and cracked up. Then I was hoping for an edited version of the song, no disappointments. The 5 you get from me means "Top 5 YTMNDs ever"
Oh, and as for everyone claiming OMG 4CHAN or OMG OLD. Elvez is my creation, anyone from LL can verify it, the topic is still alive. 80th post in the topic. Original: http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/7748/1155723402970ya3.jpg , mine = http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/6686/snowcat1kq2.png
But yeah, this is cool, I accomplished something on this Internets.
I love it. And I'd love you if you directed me to some sort of Phoenix Wright OST, or at least a longer version of the second half of the sound in your YTMND (the one after presenting NSMB evidence)
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