Can you please just give us an option to view everything with the old layout? You may have forgotten, but YTMND is still visited by people and the majority of those that I know have just stopped coming cause this layout sucks so hard, not even from an aesthetic standpoint, but from a usability standpoint.
Yeah, shrink the font size, cut down the space in between everything, and shift the big block of ads on the right down, putting at least one block of YTMNDs above it.
1) You put forth that intelligence cannot have come from non-intelligence, yet all life evolved from non-intelligence (microbes, which became from the random assembly elements). The same can be said about life coming from non-life.
2) You put forth that asking where God came from is unreasonable, because it would be considered the first cause. Yet it is just as reasonable to consider the big bang the first cause, and go from there. Unlike religion however, science refuses to settle for that.
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