the fact you made this means you think you are either edgy, you are making something to prove yourself to someone, or you're a troll. it also means that you can't sit down and actually think; b/c if you had 2 brain cells you'd know that posting something radical like this means you're a retard. Of course, I can't know this for sure, but I get the idea that you are the kind of person that runs their mouth off (while they nod silently thinking "jeez, what a dumbass").
5'd for the first slide (history of beasts), then 3'd after the idiocy that followed, I tolerated the existances, but inspiraition? next time, I suggest thinking through your delivery. in this case, you failed hardest in going for an over-the-top-hyuck-im-christian-and-silly-lol (which never works on the internets), and trying to pass that as serious without actually putting any effort into it. are you 11, or just lazy? and if you still think all the 5's prove me wrong, they don't. its the fad/the croc hunt
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