Why God Exists (Updated with Q and A at the end)
Created on: September 7th, 2006
Why God Exists (Updated with Q and A at the end)
WARNING: My comments are NSFW. Please evaluate and vote based on the merits and quality of the YTMND not based on your religious standpoint. If you have an objection, post below and I will address it in the YTMND at the end.

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September 7th, 2006
Correction: and parts that make up living organisms were formed*
September 7th, 2006
You're actually saying there is NO god, since he turned INTO the universe. Also your theory follows no theological text, hence it has no devinity, it is not the god mentioned by the christian, muslims, or any other uniterian belief. Also, you've neglected to explain why only intelligence can create intelligence and just what intelligence is, for example, is an amoeba intelligent? However, it is proof of Hinduism. Brahma was the cause universe. Vishnu is the universe. And Shiva will be what will b
September 7th, 2006
who cares?
September 7th, 2006
Just because there are higher beings does not mean there is a god. It means there are more plains of life outside our universe.
September 7th, 2006
1 for citing Wikipedia, whether I agree with you or not. NEVER cite Wikipedia.
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
Even though I hate religion, and disagree nearly with everything you said, this is a very well made ytmnd. It also does make some sense.
September 7th, 2006
Please don't think that taking 2 nebulous premises and applying some bullsh*t logic to them makes God exist. And on ytmnd.com too. Hilarious.
September 7th, 2006
You've got a few spelling errors there, namely special and spatial are mixed....I think XD Also, independent is spelled wrong in one of the layers...
September 7th, 2006
Five for effort, the idea could be flawed, but it mostly just an idea we've heard before. That there had to be some first cause to make the first matter which started time. Though this is more of an agnostic theory, about how there could be a creator God, but not necessarily anything beyond that.
September 7th, 2006
Now how does this prove that the bible is true? Explain that to me, please.
September 7th, 2006
Very intresting read. Thanks!
September 7th, 2006
i'll three you, because the ytmnd was well made (in terms of work) but minus one for... "questionable" arguments, at best. and another lost for being not funny, and having that stupid happy cat.
September 7th, 2006
This is damn good, but as I said before I 1 ANYTHING that pushes an agenda, even if I agree with it. And I don't agree with this.
September 7th, 2006
PETERGUY DONATED 9.41 TO YTMND. There, a positive comment.
September 7th, 2006
While I don't see this as solid proof that God exists, it's a pretty good theory. Nice work.
September 7th, 2006
good production values. God ftw
September 7th, 2006
You had me until you said "life cannot come from non-life." That is exactly how life started on earth. Lightning caused various gases to bind and from amino acids which developed eventually into single-celled organisms and eventually us.
September 7th, 2006
I purpose that any argument based on a assumption cannot be proved. You assume that since non-living objects are not intelligent and cannot cause events to occur, than the creation of the universe cannot occur without intelligence causing it. This argument is flawed in that it requires a leap of faith. However, I welcome civil and intelligent debate on this subject.
September 7th, 2006
If I wanted to learn something I'd get a book.
September 7th, 2006
This argument had holes in it. Every argument on this comment page also has holes in it. No human, possibly no organism within this universe, is capable of understanding what occurred before the big bang, assuming 'before the big bang' is an accurate way of describing it. The only thing anybody is saying on this page is that they don't understand anymore than anyone else. BTW, 5'd cuz it was a WELL-MADE PRESENTATION and you dared to do something different
September 7th, 2006
Nice! Dude we've been discussing this question is my Philosophy class, I'm definatly ganna show this to the instructor. Thanks man! Only problem I saw was that on some longer "slides" not enough time was given to finsih reading, other then that is GREAT! Thanks man.
September 7th, 2006
Who says this alleged First Cause is in fact, the -First- Cause?
September 7th, 2006
Who said non-living objects can't cause events to occur? Is gravity a "living object?"
September 7th, 2006
if god created the universe, which god? christianitys god or the greek gods; or what other religious god? and something had to create the world that "god" lives. so this can't be true because there would be powers greater than the god/s and the creators of the god/s and the cycle would go on forever. yet i'm no genius at this, i'm just expressing ideas is all....
September 7th, 2006
Wrong. Why do ytmnders keep making these things? Leave it to people who know what they are talking about.
September 7th, 2006
+5 for pwning the *ss off @ all the downvoters that downvote people that believe in god, and all the newbs that ignore his existance. your explanations couldve also shown a slideshow of the paranormal things that are supposed to be marked by the christ himself, but it was good.
September 7th, 2006
Also, I feel that when this debate remains in the philosophical realm it can be most beneficial to our understanding of the universe. However, when we see it encroach on politics and public policy, I fear that we are in danger of losing our way.
September 7th, 2006
I think you've tried to do something grand here, albeit a bit faulty. Having graduated with an undergraduate in Philosophy from a Catholic Seminary, I think I may be able to offer you some additional pointers. See Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica, Prima Pars, Question 2.
September 7th, 2006
5 for Quality, and NEDM
September 7th, 2006
^ I think all of these religions are talking about the same "god". That's what is so ridiculous. We have wars going on and innocent humans being slaughtered over f*cking semantics.
September 7th, 2006
The one flaw in the argument that the universe came from nothing: There cannot be nothing, because there is something. You cannot have nothing.
September 7th, 2006
You were doing good until the -Alive characteristic and everything after that. First off, life isn't always created by life; evolution, lol. We've also found microorganisms that exist in volcanic areas that can support absolutely no other life, meaning they were created through specific conditions regarding elements and substances in a certain area. The biggest mistake, of course, was "God is the first thing ever, so nothing came before Him", which pretty much means you just contradicted the entire -
September 7th, 2006
(was in response to e-on)
September 7th, 2006
- argument in God's favor, saying that God would be a special exception to an absolute assumption you made regarding the creation of the universe. Also, this wasn't funny, and everyone knows that YTMND worships only Sean Connery and RaptorJesus. You get a two for not being a total asstard, though.
September 7th, 2006
It is impossible to prove that God exists, or does not exist. That is why one's religious beliefs are also called faiths. It requires faith in different pieces of evidence, all with shortcomings and faults. As you can see people writing, the belief in God(s) also has its faults.
September 7th, 2006
vote changed.
September 7th, 2006
So many points I could argue with, the most obvious being: i have f*cking nipples. And I'm a guy.
September 7th, 2006
sorry your first objection killed everything. It's not like asking who the first president before George Washington is, it's like asking who was the governing body prior to washington and there are many sufficient answers to it. Also, In doing that first objection, you cancelled out every piece of your argument, if nothing was able to create god, then how come the universe creating itself is so unreal?
September 7th, 2006
does your boss know you spend all your time on ytmnd?
September 7th, 2006
5 for patriots!
September 7th, 2006
that was cool, NEDM
September 7th, 2006
"does your boss know you spend all your time on ytmnd?" Yes. I'm self-employed.
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
subliminal and poland ftw.
September 7th, 2006
ALRIGHT, here we go: way back, people didnt have any morals or anything to teach others about good behavior. So, being gulible back then and impressionable, you could just come up with something simple, since you can't prove how everything was created. So what happens? some person decides to write a story telling the book of morals and the creation of earth. many people belived in it since, well, what else would you belive in at that time? Now we are smart enough to have discovered the universe and how it
September 7th, 2006
Get back to work, rubes.
September 7th, 2006
(continued)... and how it works. Since it is (LONG) outdated more and more people are, well just deciding to not belive it anymore. THERE IS NO, repeat NO scientific evidence supporting religon. BUT there is many theroys and actual scientific facts depicting how the universe was created..................................................................................................... if god was real, then where the f*ck did he come from idiots. lol.
September 7th, 2006
Peterguy do you just have way to much money?
September 7th, 2006
Okay so let's say you are correct and there is a God. Who do we believe in? Just about every religion begins with a God creating the universe, but each has severe consequences for coveting 'other gods'. So basically we can guess, and have a 1 in 3000 chance of getting it right and not suffering for all eternity. Sweet.
September 7th, 2006
The music sounds like it's from Super Monkey Ball.
September 7th, 2006
Wow. That is some Grade A pseudo-philosophical bullsh*t. What about other religions? By your logic, every religion is correct because something had to happen prior to its creation to cause it. Does that mean Xenu really does exist? Also, good research usually involves going beyond wikipedia.com (don’t bother to note that not all of them are). Try perhaps opening up a book or two. Fail.
September 7th, 2006
Flawless. ^_^
September 7th, 2006
This is a terrible YTMND. It is a long, futile exercise of my time and patience. Creationism is the supreme modern day cop-out for Christians everywhere. You are not Christians. You are conspiracy theorists who sell-out your faith to the masses for the sake of plausibility. At most other times in history, you would be burned in piles for spouting this nonsense. You've completely strayed from your faith to take part in the infantile, "No, idiots, God is teh reel!111" argument. 2 for the time you put into it.
September 7th, 2006
Casuality is much more complex than you assume. Your logic is a bit faulty (Althoug I really like your expansion of the second law of thermodynamics). Non-intelligence cannot cause intelligence? Is this a fact? I doubt that, because a clearly unintelligent non-sentient pair of cells cause creation of human beings in a process we call reproduction. There are countless exaples of something innately "lesser" causing something "more." A fast moving neutron, which is infintesimal in size >>>
September 7th, 2006
Causality doesnt state the universe was caused by God, but by the big bang (like a acorn becoming a tree, it doesnt practice or have someone replace the acorn with a tree). AND the "first cause" doesnt need to be "super natural" it could be a natural event (big bang). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_bang Also explains things Like RED SHIFT. For how life came to be:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller-Urey_experiment
September 7th, 2006
http://whatcausedgod.ytmnd.com/ - Further (questionable) proof God exists
September 7th, 2006
It's f*cking rare that you get something that combines not only pro superbeing(s)/religion, but logic to it at the same time. You got my respect for this.
September 7th, 2006
I need to sit down, this sh*t is DEEP. -orc
September 7th, 2006
btw, this argument doesn't try to prove that the God of the Bible exists, it's trying to say that at some point in the past, A GOD created the universe. But most people have so must angst toward christians that they just shut down any argument they see regarding "god" without giving any real retort
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
What is proving? What is existance itself? Your trying to prove the unprovable with proving.. dumbass. By the way, yes by being christain you are infact homosexual because the christian channel of tv is about as gay as you can get. Therefore you equal gayness.
September 7th, 2006
First off, this wasn't funny at all. Well made, but boring. Secondly, the logic in it isn't logic but semantics and shallow thinking. The principle of cause and effect does NOT point to a "God" and further, we do not even know if cause and effect existed before the universe. Therefore, we can't say that the universe needed a cause in order for it to come into existence. Further, the universe may not have had a beginning as we can comprehend it at the present juncture.
September 7th, 2006
Hmm, yes, christians have all the answers.
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
do you really think you are that sweet? ok first of all using the arguement (spelling wrong, i know, don't care)of causality is ridiculous, because then anyone can ask the question: well what was before god? also, science doesn't even try to explain what was before the big bang or how the super duper massive ball of matter/anti-matter got there, or what triggered it. so congratulations, you just made absolutely no progress in proving the existance of god. valid effort though.
September 7th, 2006
Now go suck a dick you retarded christian nerd.
September 7th, 2006
and I see these arguments "where did god come from, lol?" well I present to you the question, where did the matter that comprimised the Big Bang come from? creationists believe 'in the beginning, god' Big Bang...ists believe, in the beginning, dirt. where'd the dirt come from, lol?
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
>>> being replaced by proven scientific facts, some of which even most religious individuals take today for granted. I can't stress this statement enough: Religion is NOT science. Don't try to explain the PHYSICAL world using SPIRITUAL imaginative concepts.
September 7th, 2006
oh yeah forgot, the universe didn't have a beginning, it always existed.
September 7th, 2006
I've decided to give you a 2. You don't try to force any particular religion, and your arguments, while flawed, aren't totally stupid. Thing is, if nothing had to create God, then why couldn't the universe simply "be"?
September 7th, 2006
So your 'argument' is that chemosynthesis and evolution are impossible, therefore a divine being must have made the universe? You fail.
September 7th, 2006
would be five if not for the wikipedia sources...five'd and fav'd if you can find slightly better sources
September 7th, 2006
Also, how can you say that it was definitely a GOD that created the first cause- the effect of which was the universe's existance? God refers to something sentient and aware of what it is doing, doesn't it? Therefore, you suppose that in order to cause the universe something would have had to have actively planned its actions, which is not a logical next step but a total supposition. Does a mud slide plan to kill hundreds of people at the base of a mountain? God can't be proven now and likely never will be.
September 7th, 2006
amazing... and I've always believed in God, but this is excellent for those who don't
September 7th, 2006
Another interesting point: If God DOSEN'T exist and DIDN'T make the universe, then what did? "things floating in space?" ... No... In Order for these things to exist, they would have to be created in the first place. By assuming that they were already there to form the universe, you autimatically assume that somthing happened to make those things in the first place. And you should never make assumptions... cause you make an *** out of yourself... and umptions.
September 7th, 2006
The overwhelming issue is not whether God exists. The issue is why have people decided that he is pleasable, and thus in order to please him, have blown each other up for millennia.
September 7th, 2006
>>> (hmm ignore the blank - this is the middle section) ... can cause a monstrous nuclear reaction. Likewise a tiny singularity could cause an entire Universe. I might as well state this: Religion is NOT science. Scientific theories, that need to be proven do not apply to religious beliefs. Throughout the history, Humankind used religion to fill the void in our minds, where scientific fact, explaining the concepts and ideas, that were not at the time possible to properly explain, would later reside.
September 7th, 2006
Also, someone should make a "Why God Doesn't Exist" YTMND and see how that goes over, if they already haven't.
September 7th, 2006
Another interesting point: If God DOSEN'T exist and DIDN'T make the universe, then what did? "things floating in space?" ... No... In Order for these things to exist, they would have to be created in the first place. By assuming that they were already there to form the universe, you autimatically assume that somthing happened to make those things in the first place. And you should never make assumptions... cause you make an *** out of yourself... and umptions.
September 7th, 2006
Well done, solid argument, and even funny to keep interest.
September 7th, 2006
lol subliminal
September 7th, 2006
For being found in such a juvenile location such as YTMND...you did some damn good work.
September 7th, 2006
This reminds me greatly of the Cartesian argument for God. It's a good start, but there's nothing to prevent the creation of the universe from destroying the creator. The creator also need not be infinite; merely larger than the universe. So this could prove God EXISTED, but not that God EXISTS.
September 7th, 2006
If God exists, why hasn't he killed Tom Cruise yet?
September 7th, 2006
And yet the fundamental basis of this YTMND fails to explain HOW 'God' can exist. If everything, according to your logic, has a prior cause that induces its existence, then clearly God had to have been created from something, and that something created by something, and so on. Furthermore, how can intelligence create non-intelligence? We have no concept as to what is the inability to think. You could theorize, but you cannot honestly say you are unable to imagine the actual concept of not being aware-
September 7th, 2006
- simply because it is much like trying to comprehend the notion of 'nothing.' The logic in this is flawed, and the Law you stated is basically just a giant loophole that, in itself, is a flaw. Law doesn't always mean the reality of things.
September 7th, 2006
...not bad. a few problems with missing or unexplained logic, but for the most part it's just like what i learned when i was studying this concept myself.
September 7th, 2006
I don't wanna blaspheme, but god DAMN is this the longest comment section I done ever seen! Weird place for a theological discussion.
September 7th, 2006
Wow, how original! Summa theologica ftw! The fatal flaw is assuming that the unknown first cause is a divine being.
September 7th, 2006
He didn't say that everything had a prior cause, only things that came to be. Also, why wouldn't intelligence be able to create non-intelligence?
September 7th, 2006
+3 for effort, -2 coz it's obviously targeted towards smart people, of which i am not, and this has offended me
September 7th, 2006
ok people, if you're still not getting it, its not his fault, your just stupid. also, @ Istirith: The exception only proves the rule. God was the one thing that created all others. thats not too complictaed. also, yes, the bing bang happened. god made it.
September 7th, 2006
lol....no. don't try and make your view of god sound intelligent. it just doesnt fit.
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
sorry to say but you can create life from non-life. By sending an eletric current through amino acids single cell life can be created. oh and there was a cause to the "first amercian president" what was the cause for god to begin?
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
Your YTMND has fialed to convince me there is in fact a god. 1. You assume our universe is EVERYTHING. Who's to say what we consider a universe is nothing but the petri dish upon which a being smart beyond our comprehension is performing experiments? Could these be considered 'Gods?' Sure. Are the Christian 'God' Father of jesus? No. While this universe *may* have been created somehow, you have failed to prove to me that it was your 'God' thats in the bible. ***See next comment***
September 7th, 2006
5. I'm a deist!
September 7th, 2006
By the way, George Washington wasn't the first president of the United States. It was John Hanson. Failed.
September 7th, 2006
Could I edit your images, and change the word 'God' To allah or any number of other religous figureheads? Absolutely. The fact that you are likely North American, or European and so are the majority viewing said YTMND, does not make your arguement for your 'God' and greater than any other creation theories. Have you proven creation of somesort? Not necessarily. Do you know OUR universe, is THE ONLY universe? No, you dont. Do you fully understand the nature of universes? No, you dont. ***next***
September 7th, 2006
there are many flaws to this logic.. first, your assumptinos are based on laws made up by humans, secondly..things like beauty are based on human perception..a flower isnt neccessarily universally beautiful..
September 7th, 2006
Who created god?
September 7th, 2006
Standard problems. Planck time eliminates the problems of Thermodynamic Laws for an eternal universe, Quantum Physics showed a zero point for time, but not necessarily for existence... Also, you merely assert there cannot be an infinite regression, while the same condition of infinite regression occurs with God and his ability to cause any time in infinity.
September 7th, 2006
Is it possible, that one universe can spawn, and 'Cause' Another one? Given the information we actually know about the entire universe, sure. All you have proven that something 'Caused' our universe to exist, and this fact alone does not prove the existance of and 'god' and DEFINATELY doesnt prove christianity.
September 7th, 2006
Five for awesome.
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
An interesting, intelligent and provocative YTMND. 5'd for that... However, the phrase "Come to be" is vague. There is a distinction between an atomic bomb causing an explosion and God causing the universe to exist. The atomic bomb simply rearanged matter that was already around. Creating matter out of nothing is an entirely different story. We have causality to deal with how existing matter changes, not how it is created. Causality cannot apply to the creation of something out of nothing.
September 7th, 2006
Has a fair amount of holes and flaws in in, but you get a 5 for effort. ^_^ Good job.
September 7th, 2006
Forgot to vote.
September 7th, 2006
God owes me a muffler.
September 7th, 2006
111111111111111111111111111 Non intelligent things can produce intelligent things. 222222222222222222222222222 Indeed scientists don't know how or what the universe exactly is. 333333333333333333333333333 1 things scientists DO know is that if there was a god, he didn't create human. We have the studies that 100% for sure proof that we came from the smallest bacterias in the seas.
September 7th, 2006
You completely misunderstand the Law of Biogenesis, which states that CURRENT life cannot spontaneously form. Early life is very possible and very likely formed from pre-biotic compounds.
September 7th, 2006
The mysteries of the universe we will discover 1000 years down the road will be far more than we can comprehend now.
September 7th, 2006
Or rather, Samuel Huntington was the first president in 'America,' prior to the Articles of Confederation. But John Hanson was the first under the constitution we know and love now.
September 7th, 2006
Life can come from non-life you f*cking stooge. There was no Adam and Eve, and no imaginary God.
September 7th, 2006
great, so couldn't the big bang be the first cause? You have proved that there is a cause, great, but you havn't proved a god, just a cause. I can use the 'super natural' defense for the big bang. The same logic used in this also denies evolution, as that is intelligence rising from chaos, and evolution can be impirically studied and has been shown to be true. The only evidence of god presented here, is that complexity cannot arise from simplicity + chance.
September 7th, 2006
You're a pretentious moron to think that your entirely oversimplified and largely inadequate connections between observable events, and this concept of a "higher being" that created the entire universe could ever pass for a logical explanation. This concept of "god" ignorant bigotry in itself, for you to claim everyone is wrong, and that some "intelligent" (quite a relative term) being created all of this. Whats next, we all have to "worship" this god? Go beat your bible somewhere else.
September 7th, 2006
Your argument is invalid. You can only claim that SOMETHING started the universe, not someone. Secondly, you claim that intelligence doesn't come from ignorance, but when is the last time you saw a zygote write a term paper? Also, poor use of poland and nedm in hopes of higher ratings.
September 7th, 2006
Once we are at this point, discussion can go no further, as I fundamentally disagree here. 1'd for content, but added 2 stars for effort.
September 7th, 2006
Also you inherently defeat your own argument. You claim that God made everything, but God too had to come from somewhere. Answering that he was ever present is equal to answering that the universe has always been present.
September 7th, 2006
You make the absurd suggestion that Intelligence can only be formed by intelligence, despite the studies on the evolution of the brain (IE. Natural Processes that lead to the brain)... Claiming god can simply be the first cause is like claiming that the universe is the first cause, as you simply establish whatever the first cause is to be supernatural. Well, I'll just claim the singularity fits the bill then...
September 7th, 2006
Without taking the time to read the mountains of comments preceding mine, I want to point out that evolution has proven that intelligence *can* come from nonintelligence, albiet incredibly slowly, over millions of years. Of course, the knee-jerk reaction is to say "Well, God put the spark of intelligence there." To that, I have to say that that argument is circular reasoning, which you promised to avoid; that would be using your own theory to prove your theory true, which is a major logical fallacy. Con
September 7th, 2006
5'd for NEDM citation
September 7th, 2006
Whetstone- Thats an awesome ytmnd :D Much better than people saying "LOL SUNSETS" Great effort/job. 99999/5
September 7th, 2006
Good logic, I approached it with an open mind, but go deeper; you missed something important. PM me if you want to share ideas and thoughts.
September 7th, 2006
lol, left handed amino acids!
September 7th, 2006
1d for false scientific knowledge. Please try again ^_^
September 7th, 2006
intresting i almost learn something new on ytmnd almost every day
September 7th, 2006
I watched the whole thing but think the whole "American president" thing was bullsh*t. I mean obviously there was nothing before Washington because no US president existed then. But since all things in theory that have a beginning were caused by something, shouldn't God have a cause? How can something exist if he created existence? You can't create what you're already living in.
September 7th, 2006
I can't believe after all of the feedback you and Peterguy have received that you could only come up with two (strawman) objections to refute. And even more lame was the weakness of your refutations- "God was the Original Causer" (is that like being The Decider btw?) and "God wouldn't tempt himself"... does that mean he couldn't do it? Or are you just spouting the standard God-works-in-mysterious-ways answer to refute inconsistencies?
September 7th, 2006
Also, acausality is a very logical possibility. Your "Law of Causality" is not a proven law, but one of several assumptions key to Scientific research. Remember that Science doesn't deal in Metaphysics, which is what is being discussed right now so causality should not be assumed. That aside, most causality claims I see just commit a Fallacy of Composition. All this amounts to (like any Cosmological argument) is a slew of Naked assertions.
September 7th, 2006
^^^^^^^I'm not reading all this sh*t above me. My scroll bar is tiny. SO I'll just state my mind and assume anyone with a brain has already said it: The one problem i see, is that this all assumes one thing: That a small, squishy, sophisticated series of tubes that interprets electrical impuses we call a brain, can understand the fundamental colockworks of the universe and, more importantly, assumes that a human created it. It's like those 4D sites. people think it's BS just becuase (see next comment)
September 7th, 2006
They don't understand it, as it does apply to the 3d nature of our reality. More importantly, the idea that all things must have a beginning is also a rule composed solely by the events we see in our reality on our small spec of dirt.
September 7th, 2006
Im Christan, but my mind is open.3 For it not being just another mindless debate.
September 7th, 2006
Your interpretations of entropy and causality are warped and incorrect. Metaphysics can't be used to justify the existence of supernatural beings.
September 7th, 2006
Oh and 5 for not cutting the ytmnd short at NEDM like all other 1000000000000000 sites with that damned cat.
September 7th, 2006
Unfortuantly, the Universe itself fits all the categories for creating the Universe. Stop thinking on linear timescales and posing theories as facts. And you still have not prooved the existence of "God". You only prooved that the universe has a start. Go find another website.
September 7th, 2006
Hooray! An explanation without the magic Jew on a Stick
September 7th, 2006
"Who created God?" should be rephrased as "Where did God come from?" Also, I'm not buying it.
September 7th, 2006
Whatever you believe in, you have to accept the fact that something is infinite. What created god? Or. What created the universe? Either way, you wind up at an unanswerable question.
September 7th, 2006
it's pretty much the unmoved mover where something set in motion creation. however that theory has it's critics. i'll give you a 5 for the effort, i can't make a decent site to save my life, even when i strongly disagree with you. Anything i could have said in defense has already been said in the above comments
September 7th, 2006
hahahaha poland as source ftw
September 7th, 2006
to many f*ck ups in ur theory
September 7th, 2006
Meh, I used to use this argument when I was 12. It's bullsh*t. For your George Washington scenario, there was a cause behind that. You wouldn't ask 'who was president beforehand.' You'd ask, what led to his presidency. Surely he didn't wake up one day and bam, he was president. No being can create itself. Likewise, God would be infinitely more complex and intelligent than anything in the universe. If he could have just 'been,' then something else could have simply 'been. -continued in next post.
September 7th, 2006
The infinite regression argument: Any "first cause" would also require a result of a previous cause. Example: the A-bomb in the YTMND is a result of scientific progress, engineering, technology, knowledge, etc. Therefore, God would have to be a product of such events that could regress into infinity. 3 because you obviously put a lot of work into it though.
September 7th, 2006
so your "proof" of god existing is, taking a couple of quotes from some ancient *ss scientists, that didn't know as much as our current atheist/agnostic scientists.
September 7th, 2006
Regarding this issue there are 2 knowns that make us realize that we know nothing. 1. Time stretches infinitely backwards. There may have been a beginning to our universe, but there was no beginning to space. 2. Space is infinite. It is an impossibility to not have occupiable space in any region of anything. It stretches infinitely. The only thing that varies is what, if anything, occupies this space. So, taking this information, our human logic tells us that our present being is impossible. -cont.
September 7th, 2006
You sit on a throne of lies.
September 7th, 2006
This is because time is, in fact, linear. Looking at a timeline, how would one have progressed from an infinitely backwards state of time to our current state. We are infinitely away from a certain point of time. This is both an impossibility and a fact. Now, does this prove that God does not exist? No, that's not what I'm trying to do. What it proves is, it's FAR more complex than singularity. Nobody knows what happened before singularity. Thus, anybody with ontological evidence is sorely mistaken.
September 7th, 2006
You know what I hate...People who 1 this site..because they do NOT believe in this site so WHY come to it?Only f*cken blah blah racist stuff..stuff like that..will 1 this site because they do NOT get the meaning of this, and then they would say something like "LOL THERE IS NO GOD" well they're stupid EVERY single one of them, well, here's a question if god doesnt exist how do you suppose it created? by itself? Pssh ya right..how was civilization created? a monkey? lol retards...how was the monkey created..?
September 7th, 2006
-cont. Yes, even athiests are sorely mistaken. Belief in anything is foolish, if you ask me. It was a very well done YTMND, though.
September 7th, 2006
Okay, I also just read your reply about God creating "cause and effect," but what gives God the ability to create those actions? Wouldn't it be some sort of cause that allows it? Also, I find that efforts to prove God's existence and omnipotence are rooted in faith which usually (not necessarily in this case) clouds logical reasoning on the part of the faithful. I'm jest sayin'...
September 7th, 2006
Fails for poor logic and poorer science.
September 7th, 2006
Great YTMND!
September 7th, 2006
Bacteria? How was bacteria created? Atoms? Well how the hell was atoms created? You all are retarded, who vote 1, if you dont believe it, dont f*cken try to make other people believe your dumb sh*t religion, its getting old, god is real, the end, long speech over..Or is it?! NEDM? Lol,speeches. BRIAN NOOO..I cant fit anymore fads in there, good day.
September 7th, 2006
One more thing: atheists, by their strict beliefs (yes, atheism is a form of religion IMO) can also be subject to clouding their logical reasoning. That is why I'm not an atheist. I just like asking questions.
September 7th, 2006
How about existence as eternal and the forces having affect on time and space, the singularity being the breaching point between the forces? One logical possibility... Besides, the problem with this site is its one of many sites bringing dogmatic rhetoric into a place for cheap laughs...
September 7th, 2006
My god is an indian that can transform into a wolf.
September 7th, 2006
Also, god is more real than "The universe making itself" because...God is the most powerful thing himself, he can make himself, and anything he wants, lol gg.
September 7th, 2006
this was wonderfully made my good friend! I must say, you certainly know how to put it in words that..well..MOST understand :P Keep up the damn good work!
September 7th, 2006
On entropy: That applies to closed systems, which the Universe may, or may not be. Finally: Everything has a cause. So what caused your mythical first cause? You haven't answered anything- you've pushed it off. If you can claim that God is the uncaused causer, I can claim, with equal validity, that the Big Bang is the uncaused causer. You provide no evidence that non-intelligence cannot cause intelligence, which brings into question many things, including the definition/existence of intelligence.
September 7th, 2006
Enough evangelizing. Or I will bring about my argument against Omni gods... A timeless, omnipresent god doesn't fit well with the space-time continuum...
September 7th, 2006
i liked the layout and stuff but, if there doesnt need to have been something that made god? then why does there need to be something that created the universe? My theory is that there probobly no beggining or end. Time is a state of mind, and i disagree with alot of it. cool song layout etc. tho
September 7th, 2006
your logic is very flawed. your stipulation that god be the 'first cause' is wholly arbitrary and one could just as easily ascribe it to some previous state of affairs in the universe prior to our previously known universe, which came to cause ours to exist. this could be some other universe which has force to cause our universe, but which we have no effect on. second, surely life comes from non-life, did you not learn a thing from evolution in science class? if you believe in that surely you cannot a
September 7th, 2006
Bravo, sir. Bravo.
September 7th, 2006
There is no way ANYONE can ever understand how we came to be. For all we know, our universe is contained in an alien's marble. like on MIB
September 7th, 2006
You claim that everything needs a cause, but what caused God? I know you say that He's some mystical First Cause, but why couldn't the Universe be its OWN first cause? Why do we need a God? Also, zero-energy universe FTW, no cause needed. 2 for NEDM.
September 7th, 2006
tl;dr. Also nedm.
September 7th, 2006
What was before the universe or what caused it, is beyond our knowledge. Humans need reasons and explanations, so if we don't know them we make some up as we go. This is religion. People find comfort in believing in something higher rather than accepting that we are alone, and merely a product of coincidence combined with an infinite amount of time. Your reasoning appears to be scientific and logically correct, but really isn't based on anything.
September 7th, 2006
In fact, I will just get this out of the way right now: I am god. I know, I know, it's hard to believe. But hey, you can't prove I'm not!
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
There's only one error, an error that only a mind free of religion can ask. "If everything needs a beginning, then 'god' also would have needed to have an origin." You may say... "Well, he, she, it's god, therefore it doesn't," but that would ruin the theory that "proves" god's existance... It would also mean that time had no beginning, thus, making it non-existant. Sorry, but although this ytmnd does make you think about things, there is still a piece missing from the puzzle.
September 7th, 2006
you can't bring logic into faith because faith does not require logic i know this because purple elephant god told me so. he said your YTMND is wrong. go ahead! disprove purple elephant god! I DARE YOU TO! but the quality of this ytmnd is good so i'll 3 it
September 7th, 2006
Absolutely beautiful. Now I present a question, not an objection. Did God create the universe based on a fundamental law of physics already in place, or did God create the laws of Physics to allow him to create the universe? Ahhhh...
September 7th, 2006
Your who created god answer makes no sense. I'll stick with the sunset reasoning.
September 7th, 2006
everyone already knows all of this crap. it's fundamentally flawed in so many ways.
September 7th, 2006
It's not an ytmnd discussion(considering the average age of ytmnd'ers), but 5 for the effort.
September 7th, 2006
that's retarded plz explain what caused god. a metagod? wtf is wrong with you
September 7th, 2006
5'd cuz much work was put into this. I don't entirely agree with everything, but some valid points are brought up.
September 7th, 2006
I must say, you did bring up some good points. And not just those annyoning answers like "Why can't he?" and sh*t. 5 And, it can aply for other supernatural forces, right?
September 7th, 2006
Lol, Atheism!
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
You get a 5 because it takes true balls to post theistic views on the internet (it also helps that i happen to be very religious)
September 7th, 2006
Well done.
September 7th, 2006
I'm atheist, but i still love this for the amount of logic and reasoning put into it, great job Whetstone.
September 7th, 2006
Seems like you're just trying to preach and attempting to get it across by sticking in "humorous" YTMND references. Still, it was interesting enough to keep me watching all the way through, so there's definitely something to it
September 7th, 2006
Objections: 1. Using your logic then something would have to create god which would set in motion an infinite pattern of creation of one greater being creating a lesser being. 2. There was no intelligent life at the formation of the universe, there was no life at all. Life on earth occurred when elements formed amino acids and evolved from there. The non-living created life (atleast on earth). However, i'd like to say that it is very good reasoning.
September 7th, 2006
You get 5 for effort and thoughtfulness. Also, people are just being babies. If you don't agree with the arguement than fine, but you have to give credit to whetstone for at least making you think.
September 7th, 2006
I don't really feel like reading the rest of the rebuttals, so I'll just say this: First of all, in causality, the cause need not be greater than the effect. 1. We are flawed creatures living in a flawed universe. And so, the cause of this flawed existence would not fit your omniscient, omnipotent, benevolent "God" figure. 2. Intelligence can come about from non-intelligence. It's called adaptation/natural selection/evolution. Stop taking arguments from a philosophy book and prentending they're your own.
September 7th, 2006
Well, it isnt proof, since the logic was based on human-made laws, and human beings are fallable, so therefore few if any logical things can come from it. What i think is more important: Doest it MATTER if a god/gods exist(s) or not? Not one bit.
September 7th, 2006
Intelligence can come from non-intelligence, based on theory of evolution and the ability for animals to learn from experience. Intelligent design of a universe can be attributed to a net effect of the laws of physics, etc, which naturally promote order rather than chaos
September 7th, 2006
I have just watched this and you might just be the biggest idiot ever.. you give me visual proof that god exists.. and i'll believe you
September 7th, 2006
I have many things to say, but I don't care to say them. One of my points: you say God created life b/c life cannot be created from non-life. Yet is God life? Isn't part of being alive death? And God can't die.
September 7th, 2006
I don't agree with it, however, IT is a much amusing change of pace from the usual arguments, 3'd for effort.
September 7th, 2006
The claim that the reason we cannot make a square circle or a rock that he could not lift is because God didn't want that is a major cop-out. For one thing, we cannot know the motivations of God or any supernatural force, if any, because of our limited scale of understanding and subjective interpretation of our existance.
September 7th, 2006
Well this made a lot of sense, and based on the logic, it well. Makes a lot of sense! You deserve 5+, but unforuntately I can't vote higher than that.
September 7th, 2006
there is no god cuz i flunked kidnergarden
September 7th, 2006
http://whygoddoesntexist.ytmnd.com Pretty much pwns you.
September 7th, 2006
Get this stuff of YTMND. Seriously.
September 7th, 2006
As for your YTMND, I think this is the most intellectual attempt to prove the existance of God I have seen in a long time. Definitely 5-able
September 7th, 2006
Rock on.
September 7th, 2006
This is an extremly well put together ytmnd. I may not agree with your views or the way you are preaching to a community that does not want to hear it, but i'll rate you on the content you presented, which was thought provoking and humourous.
September 7th, 2006
and btw, it's "thereof" not "therof"
September 7th, 2006
Lol, selective ignorance of law of causality. Nobody knows but this sure as hell isn't proof. You merely threw those traits out there rather than proving them as thoroughly as you did the law of causality.
September 7th, 2006
Order from Chaos (I whould 3 but you used NEDM)
September 7th, 2006
you're fundamentally wrong, due to the fact that "man" created the definition that you're trying to use as "proof" 9th grade debate team practice is officially shut down. your moms are all waiting outside with the car to take you directly to church.
September 7th, 2006
Sorry, that's a load of horsesh*t. Dismissing the question of where god came from shot holes in the entire premise. At least you put some thought into it though. BTW, no real christian would ever feel the need to "prove" the existance of god. Proof belies faith.
September 7th, 2006
1: If causality applies to the universe why doesn't it apply to God? 2: How can you assert that intelligence cannot come from non-intelligence, or life from non-life? It's sort of thrown in there with no logical support.
September 7th, 2006
uh, what about the big bang? Isnt that the first cause? not god. also, intelligence can come from non-intelligence, through the extremelly slow process of evolution. We went from being nothing by clay crystals (according to the heterotroph hypothesis the first cells were just tiny bits of nucleic acid surrounded by a very simple water based membrane. We looked like crystals...weird. Scientists HAVE actually managed to produce these same organisms in a lab [life from nonlife]). Thus starting life+evolution
September 7th, 2006
All you upvoters, check out the rebuttal site: http://whygoddoesntexist.ytmnd.com
September 7th, 2006
yeah the great crusades that killed millions of people in the name of religion had a cause... its called IGNORANCE.
September 7th, 2006
What about an infinite number of "first" cause? How do you prove that there is solely one? Just like inheritance. Everyone that inherits land, inherits it from someone. But to conclude that all inheritance comes from one person if incorrect. Using that argument, what is preventing there from being an infinite string of 'first causes' or actions into the past? I know that inheritance is a popular counter argument.. can't remember who it's from though.
September 7th, 2006
2 things 1. While you may think the question "Who created God?" is flawed I ask you then instead, because causuality is the key to everything, what causuality created God? and if one didn't then how can something so powerful come from nothing(non intelligence to intelligence?) 2.How can you say that God is the one who created the universe? It could very well have been a similiarly powerful being.( Allah, Buddah, etc.
September 7th, 2006
yeah, or maybe our current scientific philosophies don't answer every question out there yet. give mankind a few more centuries, and in the meantime stop making f*ggy, unfunny short films.
September 7th, 2006
This proves nothing about god. It proves that something created the universe, not that there is a god watching over us. It is a fully illogically conclusion to come upon that "God" did that, especially not the christian god. In addition, if everything needs a cause, what caused god? Your logic is highly flawed, and I would love to discuss this further.
September 7th, 2006
Myzz, i sorta dont understand your argument. inheritance was started when nucleic acid became trapped in a simple water based membrane, the first dna. reproduction and evolution took over from there.
September 7th, 2006
You don't make sense. If something must come to be from something before it then what was before God? You say thats like saying what president was before George Washington, but its entirly different. George Washington's parents created him, but what created God? The point is you can't prove or disprove his existance. Its all faith, you believe in Him and others don't. Deal with it.
September 7th, 2006
Not entirely unflawed, but there's some good points being made here. Judged solely on the quality of the ytmnd: nice, original idea and good execution. And you didn't forget that this is basically a humor site, so a nice way of spicing it up a bit. Excellence.
September 7th, 2006
*******************************************************************************************All you upvoters, check out the rebuttal site: http://whygoddoesntexist.ytmnd.com *****************************************************************************************************
September 7th, 2006
Life can come from things that aren't alive. carbon+water = life
September 7th, 2006
I'm sick of fighting all these X-tian whackjob YTMNDs. I'll just one it and add this: YTMND is an entertainment site, stop flooding it with your Christian bs.
September 7th, 2006
nope, take your christian BS elsewere...
September 7th, 2006
Though I completly disagree with your final interpretation, this page was well put together/sourced/etc.
September 7th, 2006
First year philosophy student, ftl. Your proposition fails, in that yes, causality is a universal scientific law, but the fact that the universe must necessarily have a cause does NOT in any way entail the fact that it's an omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent being that exists necessarily and is the creator of all contingent things. Life can come from non-life, too, putz. Loss.
September 7th, 2006
Very nice YTMND, unfortunately, you're backing into yet another cubby hole. What caused "God"? Can anything come from beyond the universe? If so, why only "one God"? And what keeps the "Universe" existing suspended in "non-existance"?
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
5 for NEDM
September 7th, 2006
Lol, internet. Please give me facts, kthxbai.
September 7th, 2006
how does that prove the existence of god? sorry.. i too am able of writing college level philosophical research papers. it doesn't mean i can prove or disprove the existence of god however.
September 7th, 2006
well how could god exist if youre saying that you cant make life from nothing. for god to exist someting must have made god and so on and so on .
September 7th, 2006
ololololll using youtube is 4 f*gz mirite mirite
September 7th, 2006
So we live in the natural, knowable, logical world and God lives in the unnatural, unknowable, illogical world. Brilliant work Einstein.
September 7th, 2006
The flaw in this is, in your own argument in the "square-circle" analogy where God existed outside the laws of the world he created and thus could make them as he wished. This brings up the fact that if there is a super-natural outside of our 'natural' then it is also outside of the reality we perceive, and thus not following the cause and effect line of events Taking this further if we still assume there was a first cause, we then have to throw out the arbitrary laws by which you define it.
September 7th, 2006
September 7th, 2006
*************************************************************************** ****************All you upvoters, check out the rebuttal site: http://whygoddoesntexist.ytmnd.com *************************************************************************** **************************
September 7th, 2006
If God doesn't need a creator, then neither does the universe. You fail.
September 7th, 2006
Poland hates religion on YTMND. Also, everything in the universe since has come to be from a previous source since the singularity, a lot of which hasn't been influenced by intelligence, ie, the sun forming from a mass of gasses collapsing and heating up. So, who's to say that the actual cause of the universe itself is intellegent? Your going to a religious answer of a diety before trying to find an actual answer.
September 7th, 2006
*Continued* thus in the supernatural, there is no law stating life cannot be created by non-life, or intelligence from non-intelligence. essentially you are throwing away the laws of the natural pertaining to the supernatural in one location and imposing them on it in another to come up with your perfect mental creation: God
September 7th, 2006
there are so many things wrong with that i dont know where to start
September 7th, 2006
1.) Does not provide evidence to Christian God. 2.) The idea of the prime mover has been around since Aristotle. . . Yet he believed in pagan gods. 3.) The big bang was not necessarily the beginning of existence, it may have been the beginning of this "generation" of the universe. 4.) life can come from non-life (abiogenesis, look into it). Intelligence can come from non-intelligence. Perhaps you've heard of evolutionary engineering?
September 7th, 2006
But if everything happened by chance (as many presume or think, stuff like Big Bang etc.) then what are the chances that the Sun (which is located in the right place, not too far, or not too close to the Earth) is placed right where it is now? probably 1 in a googol. It seems like that was meant to be there. Same thing can be said about almost anything. It sounds like this was planned out, doesn't it?
September 7th, 2006
No one really doubts the fact that the universe began at a point. Ever heard of string theory? There's different theories about how the universe began, but the theory that God created everything is a work in progress....
September 7th, 2006
So God is MATH? UGGGGH no wonder I never understood him...>____
September 7th, 2006
Guess what? People who already believed this are praising you, people who didn't are arguing against it, and you are changing the views of nobody, making this ytmnd completely pointless. Meanwhile, there's a very large chance that nobody has come close to the actual truth of how the universe came into being. In summation, All Hail Discordia.
September 7th, 2006
Well, whipping out my modern physics... Because god is not known, he both exists and doesn't Thanks Schrodinger! Anyway, I am not a religious person, but this is thought provoking and you certainly have a point.
September 7th, 2006
thanks for proving my existance, lol
September 7th, 2006
AngryDriver: Just because something extraordinarily unlikely happens doesn't mean it was intentionally set into motion. Given enough time, everything that can happen, no matter how unlikely, will happen.
September 7th, 2006
Your logic is completely flawed. This is absolute horse dick. You're using a circular explanation to place God as the First Cause... God is the first cause because He is God? No way man. You claim to follow the scientific method, but there's nothing scientific about your argument. Why isn't the universe the first cause? There was nothing before it right? And nothing can't cause something according to your logic.
September 7th, 2006
awesome.i belive for sho.
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