Sequenz No.3 Rex tremendae & Sequenz No.5 Confutatis

Good evening pals,

It is with much pride I present to you the new YTMND starbar tonight. Not only does it provide some new functionality, but it also represents a great technical achievement.

The new starbar allows multiple score views, voting feedback, site-wide favorite recognition, single click adding/removing of favorites as well as a spectacular feat; enabling collaborative filtering vote prediction. Read more for a long winded description and explanation.

The original "vote bar" was one of the oldest pieces of YTMND. It was created from stolen netflix code for a project that pre-dates YTMND by almost a year and was basically an archaic piece of junk. I had created a program to generate colored star bars and the two fit well, so it became an integral part of YTMND.

It had some major technical issues attached to it though. One of which was the fact that a user's score had to be passed from the server at the time of the page loading, and since votebars show up randomly across pages, it ended up requiring an extra database query for each bar. This has changed completely so that votes load after the page loads changing up to hundreds of queries into one.

Another major issue is that it provided no feedback if there was a problem. From the user perspective, you voted and if something goes wrong on the back end, you had no idea. This has changed as well.

So the next couple weeks will be a "forced beta" to see how well everything holds up. Instead of a giant wall of text, I'll try to give an overview of what the new starbar is capable of.

New Features

    Multiple score views

      This nifty feature allows us to combine two starbars into one. The prime example of this is viewing a starbar for a site you've already voted on. In the old setup, you could only view your score and had to visit the site's profile page to see what the overall score of the site was. Now when you vote on a site; the votebar figures it out and displays both the site's score as well as your rating. We mix the color of the two bar types where they overlap. Your vote is blue, site score is red, so where they overlap the color of the bar will be purple.


      You vote 3 on a site with a score of 4.5
      You vote 5 on a site with a score of 1.0
      You vote 2 on a site with a score of 2.5

      I haven't finalized the exact colors yet, but this should give you an idea of how this feature functions. I think at first it may be hard to absorb but over time it will become an integral piece of YTMND.

    Extended Security

      Previously when a user would vote, it would hit a REST interface that at first did nothing but check if the user was logged in. This meant people could link to the interface in an iframe on their websites and cause people to unknowingly vote. After people began exploiting this, the user id number was required for the vote to register. Once this was enabled people began writing scripts to automatically vote and even with a user_id it was possible to make targeted users unknowingly vote on sites. The new starbar works on the same principals as the comment voting interface. We now generate a cipher specific to each user using a rolling salt that changes every few minutes. This enables us to ensure (for the most part) that users will not unknowingly vote on sites as well as making vote scripts and bots more difficult. One of the unfavorable effects of this new system is that after around 20 minutes, pages expire and you will have to refresh them in order to vote. The starbar will be notify you if this happens.

    Voting feedback.

      With the old votebar, voting was sort of "click-and-pray" in that you had no idea if your vote was registering or not. Due to the massive amount of vote lookups, user votes were loaded from a slave database, and if database replication failed, it would look as if your votes weren't registering even if they had. While we are still going to use a slave database for vote lookups, if a vote fails, you will get a message as to why. Some instances of this are:
      • You are trying to vote on or favorite a site you have not seen.
      • You are trying to vote on or favorite a site you own.
      • Your authentication has expired.
      • An internal error (which should almost never happen).

    Site-wide favorite recognition and vote loading

      The starbar now checks if you've got each YTMND on your favorites list across the entire site. Once it is out of beta, any remaining areas where your votes aren't shown or voting is not allowed (such as in search results) will be updated to show your vote/allow you to vote.

    Quick favorite and un-favorite

      A new starbar addon which is appended to the end of the starbar in some places (currently only on the site itself and the site profile) allows you to add a favorite to your list with a single click. Sites that are currently on your favorite list will allow you to "unfavorite" them when you hover over their starbar.

      Additionally, adding favorites has been changed so that when you add a site to your favorites list, it will automatically vote five on that site. When you "unfavorite" a site, the vote will remain. Once the starbar is out of beta, all previous favorites will be updated to five-star votes (if they were fav'd without voting, a new five-star vote will be added).

    Holy shit: Collaborative filtering.

      This is a feature that has been something I've devoted some free time to for over a year. For those of you that don't know what collaborative filtering is, it's when you take a massive amount of data on who likes what and use it to figure out what each user might like. Simply put; collaborative filtering allows us to predict what you will rate a site you haven't even seen based on how you've voted in the past.

      Sadly, the majority of you have no idea what an amazingly complicated feat this is to accomplish. The small amount of you that have dealt with this type of system in college or business dealings will understand how awesome it is that we are launching this on such a limited hardware platform.

      <technical jargon>

        I'll try to give an idea of how I accomplished this for the two or three of you who are interested in the technical side of this. First we gather the over twenty million YTMND votes into the memory of a C++ program I wrote which uses Simon Funk's SVD algorithm to calculate "feature" scores for each user and site. This consists of hundreds of billions of calculations and with the full YTMND data set, it takes roughly 70 minutes using 100% of a 2.4ghz AMD Opteron and around 500mb of memory. At this point we export the feature data to a SQL VIEW which allows us to calculate the prediction by performing (site features * corresponding user features) for any given user+site combination. We do this instead of storing each prediction because it would require (users*sites) rows (currently around 180 billion) in a database, most of which will never be accessed.

        Due to the nature of the algorithm, a single vote change or addition/removal recurses the entire tree. For instance, if a user votes on a site, that user's features have to be recalculated based on the new information and that site's features have to be recalculated as well; any site that user has voted on has to have its features updated based on the new user features scores as well as anyone who has voted on the site and any sites they've voted on etc. This means that the features can not be updated incrementally and we have to recalculate feature data in full every time. This can be done every few days or so and then imported into SQL.

        Since we have to calculate predictions on the fly, doing straight top-N recommendations isn't very easy as it requires a massive amount of calculations (sites*features (currently around 20 million)) and then a bubble sort on over 500,000 numbers for a single user. While it's doable, it doesn't really have any place in a production environment at the moment.

        We can create an accuracy score for each user by getting a list of their entire vote history and then comparing each vote to it's corresponding prediction. So if I vote 5 on a site and the prediction was 4.5, it was off by 0.5. When we average the remainder on all votes, we can create a score from zero to five based on how far off the predictions are on average. So to summarize it's one gigantic hack.

      </technical jargon>

      How this will affect you

        The system is very specific to your voting history, this means while some users will get really good predictions, others will get awful predictions. There are two major factors on how accurate your predictions will be: how many votes you've made in the past, how many votes have been made on each site you get a prediction for.

        Simply put, the closer your votes are to how you actually feel a site should be rated, the better your predictions will be. If you make a lot of five-star votes in the hopes that other people will return the favor, your predictions will be bad. If you down-vote out of spite, your predictions will be bad. If you have made very few votes or the site you are getting a prediction for has very few votes, it's likely the prediction will be off. So if you haven't been voting honestly, this system will be almost totally useless.

        Depending on how busy the system is, it may take a while to calculate predictions for you, this means that your previous votes and your predictions may take a while to show up on votebars. Depending on how badly YTMND shits the bed over the next few days, I may make predictions on option you can turn off if you feel it isn't useful for you. I will also add something for you to see how accurate your predictions will be on average once we are out of beta.

      How this will be used

        Since the system is so heavily based on vote history, and predictions are only updated at 24 hour intervals at most, this is really not very useful on the front page since the majority of sites there are relatively new and predictions would frequently be inaccurate. The main use of this feature is for browsing large lists of sites like on user profile pages or search results. Predictions will allow you to quickly figure out what sites you may enjoy more than others. The new color for predictions will be gold, which will mix with the current color of scores which is red so the resulting overlap color will be orange. You will not get predictions for sites that you've voted on/favorited already.


        A site with a score of 4.5 with a custom prediction of 3.0
        A site with a score of 1.0 with a custom prediction of 5.0
        A site with a score of 2.5 with a custom prediction of 2.0

        As you can see, the prediction mix color is subtle, this was done on purpose, as we don't want to influence peoples decisions so much as help them sift through a lot of garbage.

    If you encounter any problems or bugs, post a comment here and over the next day I'll try to hammer out any problems. Moving on...

    Much as I expected, the limited number of you technically capable of understanding the API had little to no interest in using it. There have been three entries to the API Contest so at this point in time, everyone who entered will get a "prize". You still have a couple weeks to enter, so come up with an idea and enter the contest so I don't feel like writing the API was a total waste.

    I know YTMND is suffering from "broken-window" syndrome, and I've been working on it a lot, I've been making a lot of small improvements both on the back and front end of the site. Obviously the main issue is now moderation, which is going to be the primary focus as I am now actively going over the technical design and coming up with a system that will be far more self-sufficient than the current "moderators clean up after users" setup.

    Hurray for gigantic news posts.

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November 18th, 2007
also, the original title of this news post was "Nocturne in E Flat Major", but I figured since I am taking an international flight soon, a requiem would be more fitting in case the plane happens to crash. cheers.
November 18th, 2007
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i called true second :P
November 18th, 2007
I call you being not awesome.
November 18th, 2007
in all seriousness though, this is a really good update. kudos max
November 18th, 2007
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plane crash? oh lawd
November 18th, 2007
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November 18th, 2007
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Pretty colors
November 18th, 2007
Razor Gator approves of this update.
November 18th, 2007
neato max, neato
November 18th, 2007
This is going to take some getting used to.
November 18th, 2007
Also: just made my first vote with the system, its very nice! I like. Kudos on th fav button next to the stars (no more comments pages for me).
November 18th, 2007
You have a fine taste in music. For that you deserve some ice cream.
November 18th, 2007
Oh yeah, and when are you going to delete all the alts in the que? Jizzmotron's 30 alts did a number on us.
November 18th, 2007
max, make sure the plane goes through a rip in the space-time continuoum, and you end up going to a place in the past, and get eaten by Langoleers.
November 18th, 2007
Great job!
November 18th, 2007
I'm waiting for skYTMNDnet to become self-aware
November 18th, 2007
Now all we need is a toolbar or addon or whatever you want to call them that will shows the ALTs of everyone's main account.
November 18th, 2007
Now I can go through Father-Mackenzie/DarthWang/Kassius's sites without dying of old age.
November 18th, 2007
also, it would be nice if you could see if you've voted on a site when using search
November 18th, 2007
good job max, keep up the good work.
November 18th, 2007
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November 18th, 2007
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lol i thoght it was bad then i listenened to te rest the i relized "wow i do disgree with those damn guitar hero plyers and ther opinions on dishwashers, so im gunna go out and burn some axe body spray , because jews did not do 9/11 all they did wwas stay along in concentration camps and get burned by nazis, because they suck *ss and i have a supperior c*ck to the f*cking homo sapien necrpheliacs that i habit sanfran cisco" 5
November 18th, 2007
K really this is an awesome update, you win the internet
November 18th, 2007
This is brilliant! Thank you so much max!
November 18th, 2007
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(-14) ht
November 19th, 2007
based on my vote history, I think collaborative filtering is going to tell me "MOAR NEDM!!!11!!"
November 19th, 2007
Actually, this is a good update now that I understand it. Pure grade w1n right there.
November 19th, 2007
The starbar will be notify you if happen. Someone set up us the bomb.
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
Max, will the site-score-to-the-fourth-decimal-when-I-hover-the-mouse-over-the-stars feature ever come back? I used that a whole lot.
November 19th, 2007
So many changes! *head explodes* Awesome news post as always max. Cheers.
November 19th, 2007
also, Starry-Eyed Surprise'd ;D
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
Too much sh*t. I don't get it.
November 19th, 2007
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Basically, Max did an assload of fancy programming, and your *ss should be grateful.
November 19th, 2007
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wow very cool, thanks for all the work
November 19th, 2007
i love you max
November 22nd, 2007
lmao say hi to Matthew Fox for me when you crash on the Lost island
November 22nd, 2007
Will I ever make a site again?
December 8th, 2007
I think it's time for this guy to get banned:
December 17th, 2007
nocturne in e flat major for which composer? chopin?
November 18th, 2007
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November 18th, 2007
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November 18th, 2007
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November 18th, 2007
November 18th, 2007
this is news to me.
November 18th, 2007
Quick now code something that bans video-games-remind-me-of-my-poor-dead-mom sites.
November 18th, 2007
^^^ NAO!
November 18th, 2007
Alternately, something that bans sites that (still???) involve Brian Peppers. Or auto-1s them at least.
November 18th, 2007
The work, emerges.
November 18th, 2007
gotta love Requiems. and penii.
November 18th, 2007
would be cool to have a favorite users menu on the homepage. or a way to browse favorite users or something. favorite users yeah.
November 18th, 2007
My God... It's full of technical achievement!
November 18th, 2007
November 18th, 2007
lol nice
November 18th, 2007
Holy sh*t: Collaborative filtering indeed.
November 18th, 2007
I still can't comment without getting a paul is the walrus?
November 18th, 2007
turn off whatever dumb add-on you are using to block referrers
November 18th, 2007
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max, youre making sh*t too difficult, and you are running into everything way too fast.
November 18th, 2007
I thought I was the only 1 who steals from NetFlix
November 18th, 2007
November 18th, 2007
November 18th, 2007
Hi Mum!
November 18th, 2007
Damnit I'm colorblind.
November 18th, 2007
Me too... Oh well, the colors are contrasting enough that I can tell the difference. That'll be good. They should do the same thing with traffic lights, because at night, I definitely can't tell the difference between a blinking-yellow and a blinking red. Not like that matters, though.
November 18th, 2007
I can see collaborative filtering in the future... "How come it's predicting that i'll auto-one Fourest's sites?" lol
November 18th, 2007
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cool now i can auto-1 with even more efficiency
November 18th, 2007
I don't get technical jargon, but change is always welcome.
November 18th, 2007
November 18th, 2007
I'm not sure I support the auto-5-on-Fav thing, but I love the multi-starbar and vote predictor. also, garbage|bad|mediocre|good|spectacular.
November 18th, 2007
more perty stars to look at :)
November 18th, 2007
ban fourest, lol jk
November 19th, 2007
no, seriously.
November 18th, 2007
Did we even ask for this?
November 18th, 2007
max you can't divide by zero.
November 18th, 2007
November 18th, 2007
"The starbar will be notify you if this happens." kthx
November 18th, 2007
Is it possible to fix the search engine so newer sites are located faster? It seems to take a month or two for new sites to show up.
November 18th, 2007
a while ago i set it up to refresh every 3 hours. let me double check that it actually worked.
November 18th, 2007
I tested it and it's refreshing faster. Chav-Slayer's newest sites are on it. Thanks.
November 18th, 2007
i still cant find "ORLY jack-o-lanters dont change facial expressions"... can you help me find that?
November 18th, 2007
I'm not sure if it's just me, but sometimes when I vote, it doesn't go in the first 15 times. Also, 'vote' appears at the very bottom of the page. The only work-around for this that i've found is by voting in the top bar on the actual page. Any help?
November 18th, 2007
also, love the new Favorites button
November 18th, 2007
also, love the new Favorites button
November 18th, 2007
also, love the new Favorites button
November 18th, 2007
I can't seem to reproduce this. Is anyone else having this problem?
November 18th, 2007
It doesn't happen all the time, though. I mainly use Firefox, but I think I've seen it on IE as well. Just sorta odd...
November 18th, 2007
did you try buying it dinner first?
November 18th, 2007
meh, w/e. This has been off and on for months now, but it doesn't seem to be doing it now. Thx 4 the help.
November 18th, 2007
Cool, Thank you, etc, etc
November 18th, 2007
in b4 dongs
November 18th, 2007
hey max how about making the front page so everything updates in real time kind of like spy? that'd be a nifty option feature. ahhh i'll just PM BTape or something about it.
November 18th, 2007
Holy sh*t, max. Holy sh*t.
November 18th, 2007
I submit that you stole his baseball card and stashed it in your unusually large vagina!
November 18th, 2007
oh, and sick update too
November 18th, 2007
rubycalaber is gay
November 18th, 2007
since none of us know what the list section on our profile is for, can it be used to subscribe to our favorite users (like on youtube) so that we can view their newest sites more easily? just a thought...good work on the score viewing though!
November 18th, 2007
November 18th, 2007
^ Nice, I really like that layout you made. If I can add any input, perhaps on a users profile page it can tell how many users have subscribed to this user (similar to a sites comment page, where it shows how many users have fav'd the site). Its just a suggestion. To be honest, I have actually been hoping for a system of subscribing to our favorite users. Thanks a ton for working on it!
November 19th, 2007
Damn there goes first prize
November 18th, 2007
it's about time.
November 18th, 2007
November 18th, 2007
[ comment (and 4 replies) is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]
Another gay feat.
November 18th, 2007
Hi Max. Nice feat.
November 18th, 2007
I said Hi :(
November 18th, 2007
I wish there was a way so we could see our vote on a site or the site rating, either one of those [or both preferably], if we fav a site.
November 18th, 2007
I wasn't too thrilled about this new feature at first, but I really like seeing what ratio of someone's sites I've fav'd just by looking at their list of sites. Nice one, max.
November 18th, 2007
apparently I should vote 5 on all of your sites.
November 18th, 2007
whoaaa... nice job....
November 18th, 2007
interesting features. thanks for the updates to the site.
November 18th, 2007
"Once the starbar is out of beta, all previous favorites will be updated to five-star votes (if they were fav'd without voting, a new five-star vote will be added)." Haha, Punisher's stealth downvote/fav's will be no more
November 18th, 2007
and Dr-L337's self favs :( ......... I mean just incase, you know?
November 19th, 2007
Oh SHI- ;D
November 18th, 2007
I like Las Vegas
November 18th, 2007
~~~It's amazing -- It's the mirrors~~~
November 18th, 2007
So many colors in the homo rainbow.
November 18th, 2007
pretty cool
November 18th, 2007
this is probably the coolest thing you've done, thanks
November 18th, 2007
November 18th, 2007
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Purple is where it's at.
November 18th, 2007
I was thinkin about havin something like this the other day (of course this played out better than it did in my mind). Very nice!
November 18th, 2007
for the first "30" seconds of seeing this, this is surprisingly accurate. whats a site with all red stars (including the first one), is that just a thing where it didnt load or is that a prediction of a 1 star?
November 18th, 2007
Holy sh*t Max. That is like...amazing.
November 18th, 2007
Very nice.
November 19th, 2007
max - after getting used to this this is a great feature. I think it works well for me b/c of my vote spread. ytmnd can think now =O
November 18th, 2007
*raises eyebrow*
November 18th, 2007
At first I thought collaborative filtering would protect me from viewing sites I don't like, but all it's done is make me curious. For example, I didn't bother looking at that site called "^_^" until collaborative filtering predicted I would hate it. I think this is going to make YTMND a lot more fun. Good work Max! You've earned those probably hundreds of dollars I've spent on you.
November 18th, 2007
Oh, one more thing: Does this mean we're closer to a front page box of "you'd probably like?" I can think of a few front-page boxes that could be done away with. CoughFEATUREDUSERScough. 'Scuse me.
November 18th, 2007
Featured users should be replaced with your personal favorite users. If that's possible.
November 18th, 2007
hanktherapper's idea should be implemented immediately
November 18th, 2007
So when you say the site can do "collaborative filtering", what you're saying is, it can start fires with its thoughts?
November 18th, 2007
Oh, and I'm loving how collaborative filtering makes predictions of how I'd feel about MY OWN sites. A lot of the egomaniacs on this site are going to adore that.
November 18th, 2007
I would have fived almost all of my sites, which makes sense because I make sites that I like.
November 18th, 2007
so f*cking confused, help me
November 18th, 2007
Just because you can, doesn't always mean you should. Initially it looks f*cking retarded and serves no function.
November 18th, 2007
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what other gay colors can we use??
November 18th, 2007
Kudos max!
November 18th, 2007
sex with hands
November 18th, 2007
Hahaha... Open tag forward slash technical jargon close tag.... Max, you are a genius.
November 18th, 2007
This is pretty amazing.
November 18th, 2007
Also, this feature makes a LOT more entertaining.
November 18th, 2007
November 18th, 2007
Yet another goofy *ss feature that freaks me the hell out and I hate which I won't be able to live without in a month. Also the technical jargon was pretty interesting wasn't an algorithm I was familiar with but seems pretty boring just like every other algorithm ever created and I'll probably find myself reading up on it tomorrow.
November 18th, 2007
Hey let me contradict myself every sentence I guess I wont.
November 18th, 2007
That was the point; every feature added ends up in users contradicting themselves. Think how many people pissed and moaned when the new layout was implemented. Now think if Max were to revert back to the old layout tomorrow...whom do you think would be the first to piss and moan? You guessed it...vegetarian sharks who just happen to be showgirls in Vegas yearning to become accountants.
November 18th, 2007
Peter StarrrrrBarrrr
November 19th, 2007
Max, sorry that the API thing only got limited use. You put an underrated amount of time into this site, and don't get the props you deserve.
November 19th, 2007
max, the vote/rating starbar is fine, but please get rid of the other. I hate being told how much i'm supposed to like a site before i view it. It ruins what would otherwise be a site i might like. Playing with something so fundamental as the readtitle-click-view experience like this is really damaging. i mean, critical hit stuff here. I'll probably have to view ytmnds while logged out if you keep this.
November 19th, 2007
he did say there will probably be an option to turn off the predictions
November 24th, 2007
glad to see it was turned off on the frontpage
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
broken window?
November 19th, 2007
slay Fourest
November 19th, 2007
But can it core an apple?
November 19th, 2007
Apparently the system thought I would find extremely hilarious.
November 19th, 2007
It's still a cool feature though. I question whether it was worth the time put into it, but it's definetly a benefit. One thing is it's encouraging me to vote on stuff when usually I don't bother.
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
Does this mean that we can't downvote a site then favorite it to cover up the fact that we downvoted it?
November 19th, 2007
lame you asked. but i guess a good question.
November 19th, 2007
max, could you please make an option to add a note immediately when you favorite a site. Something like when you click "add to favorites" in a site profile a little typing box could appear, similar to when you click "reply" on a comment. Not sure how that would work when you click "fav" while you're watching a site though. Anyway, at the moment the only way to add a note to your new favorite sites would be to scroll to the bottom of your favorites list and click "add note."
November 25th, 2007
Just saying that now being able to FAV a site while you're watching it, and seeing which sites you've fav'd just by looking at the home page seems to encourage more people to add sites to their favorites more often. At least it's having that effect on me. Though, I kind of think that fav'd sites mean more when there's a note added to them.
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
yeah yeah yeah thats great, where's our t-shirts?
November 19th, 2007
seriously. how about you just print a juicy part of one of your gay algorithims with ytmnd faded encompassing the formula in the background. it would scream geek and would guarantee that every frat boy and his mother would kick our asses and rape us dead. you should get on that. no really, get on it.
November 19th, 2007
um...where's the t-shirts? i want an official one...yeah i could make my own, and probably make a better one than the official one...but i want an offical shirt damnit!
November 20th, 2007
BillyZane, are you seriously that afraid to wear a YTMND shirt? For god's sake, I was homecoming king at my school, and I f*cking wore a commie hat to school everyday. Most frat boys probably have no idea what YTMND is, and if they do, why would they care? I mean, look at Family Guy, a very popular show, ripe with Star Wars references, yet many people (even frat boys) watch it. Now my ranting has caused this post to become far too long. OFFICIAL YTMND T-SHIRTS=GOLD. Also, c*cks.
November 20th, 2007
Afraid? No. I wasn't being facetious. I would order and wear a ytmnd t-shirt in a heartbeat. I have been wanting one since a year ago when Max announced t-shirts were coming soon lol.
November 20th, 2007
seriously, assign me the responsibility of getting a shirt out to the masses. ill design it and even find a cheap place to screen print them
November 20th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
Man, all of this crap sounds great. Kudos to you, Max and BTape.
November 19th, 2007
whats the point of voting if you already know my vote....
November 19th, 2007
Because it's just a cool prediction algorithm.
November 19th, 2007
yeah, good luck with that
November 22nd, 2007
All work and blaa blaa blaa
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
Good on ya, mate.
November 19th, 2007
also, WTF RazorGator is a featured user????? I mean I'm all for their kickass music but are you f*cking kidding me???
November 19th, 2007
It's so we can get a heads-up when he makes a site announcing the newest innovation in disposable razor rejuvenation technology!
November 19th, 2007
is it true that there's a place in the head that if you shoot it, it will explode?
November 24th, 2007
Watch Point Break.
November 19th, 2007
Looking at one's own favorites page, it now displays a "FAV!" starbar for every single entry (which is useless), instead of showing the average rating of the site. The number of the average rating is still there, but I'd see it more useful having it there in starbar form rather than being reminded that every site on my own favorites page is, indeed, a favorite
November 19th, 2007
colors are fun. My hat is off to you.
November 19th, 2007
November 19th, 2007
Nice work. I'd like to have a list of users to ignore such that their sites don't show up for me on the front page/in searches and there comments don't appear in profiles.
November 19th, 2007
I wonder how bad my history will be...
November 19th, 2007
sounds good max.
November 19th, 2007
I like how the filtering system predicts that I won't like some of my own ytmnds. Funny thing is, for the most part it's actually right on the money. I really am that self-loathing.
November 19th, 2007
do not want
November 19th, 2007
well done you
November 19th, 2007
I like how you changed the star description when you hover over them. It's more accurate of a discription.
November 19th, 2007
I'm so confused.
November 19th, 2007
DIDN'T READ #1! TOP 300!
November 19th, 2007
Keep up the good work.
November 19th, 2007
you have spectacular feet
November 19th, 2007
yippie kay yay, motherMAXer
November 19th, 2007
Got an error when I went to vote on a site: Running XP and Firefox 2 ... also you deleted all my sites a couple months ago for no F-ing reason. WTF!?
November 19th, 2007
November 20th, 2007
Dang electorate collage
November 20th, 2007
Awesome! The collaborative filtering feature is great. One thing I'd like to see is the ability somewhere on the "Sites" page to click a link that randomly picks 100 sites that it thinks you'll either like (3-5 stars) or dislike (1-3 stars) but haven't yet voted on. Unfortunately, this would probably make it a lot easier for douchebags who vote 1 or 5 on everything, but it would be an awesome feature for us real YTMND addicts.
November 20th, 2007
Also, I'm a bit torn about the Favorites thing as well. I use it to track worthwhile sites, not necessarily ones that deserve 5's. Even a 3 or 4 could be a favorite site but not worthy of a 5 in my opinion. I realize bookmarks would be a better solution in most cases, but I typically favorite things so I can log in anywhere and show my friends. If favoriting something is automatically going to 5 it, could we get a page in our profile that lists sites we've voted on, sorting them by number of stars?
November 20th, 2007
Mozart references for no reason get you no points at all.
November 20th, 2007
My god... it's full of stars.
November 20th, 2007
Requiem �ternam dona eis, Domine
November 20th, 2007
Okay, so YTMND can read our mind now? wow.
November 20th, 2007
These colors are ridiculous and confuse my eyes.
November 20th, 2007
That having to refresh the page to vote is getting really annoying. Please fix if able Max.
November 20th, 2007
this is the sound of settling
November 21st, 2007
"So to summarize it's one gigantic hack. " nice meng heh a suggestion for voting if you will, perhaps add a vote count per user, in a set interval, which they can max out at (say 30 per hour) how many YTMND's can one user view in a given hour? this way you keep the rowset down to user but limit voting abuse. good job on everything. i was wondering when the favorite system would be updated
November 21st, 2007
There's no more alternate text for pics of star ratings. I can't right click stars and see the rating down to the ten thousandths anymore, lol
November 21st, 2007
also huge wangs?
November 22nd, 2007
maybe its just cuz ive been gone a while, but it kinda seems like people are, like, way too serious up a bit eh...
November 23rd, 2007
yeah .. wait I mean f*ck you
November 23rd, 2007
I am a long time visitor of this site and have stopped as a result of the new color scheme on the stars. It hurts my eyes and I can't see what I've voted on. That is all.
November 23rd, 2007
get glasses
November 24th, 2007
A retard could come up with a better color scheme than orange red and yellow. The new color scheme is very interesting looking, but it's not intuitive and really lend anything to the voting process imho but im probably taking things way way to seriously for you now so F*CK YOU.
November 24th, 2007
*doesn't lend sorry, i'm high.
November 23rd, 2007
This new update is indeed an ingenious one, except for the fact that it makes YTMND slower than a narcoleptic slug.
November 24th, 2007
Lets see how this all turns out.
November 24th, 2007
is it just coincidence that I should vote 5's and high 4.7's on your sites, max?
November 24th, 2007
For hot bald Mexican sex call 1-812-604-8472!
November 25th, 2007
Does this have anything to do with the fact that I can't load comment pages anymore?
November 25th, 2007
Actually it seems like it's just some sites. I can't, for example, view the comments at because the page doesn't load.
November 26th, 2007
transferring data from transferring data from transferring data from I THINK I AM GOING TO GO CRAZY!!!!
November 26th, 2007
Nice, Max.... also, c*cks.
November 26th, 2007
I think another update called "Carol of the Bells" is in order soon. I know there was one called that last December, but is there really any other Christmas carol that can top that?
November 26th, 2007
Great star system...makes things a lot easier.
November 26th, 2007
Max, your server is failing. It times me out and gives up on showing entire comment list, that pisses me off. To see a whole page, I have to refresh it about 8-10 times, I am dead f*cking serious.
November 26th, 2007
Has anyone else noticed the increase of users who think this is YouTube and separate their keywords with a space instead of separating their keywords with a comma like the site creator tells you to? Those people usually make bad sites.
November 27th, 2007
I have been away for 6 months. I was totally burned out on the site. Now I am reinvigorated and ready to go. I think.
November 28th, 2007
My memories were erased by Rekall. During the process I suffered a schizoid embolism and wound up giving Mars air.
November 29th, 2007
November 30th, 2007
Let me give you a list of all the great sites you missed: END OF LIST
November 30th, 2007
November 29th, 2007
Whoopdy sh*t.. How about some moderation?
November 29th, 2007
Get rid of those stupid ads with the retarded looking cats slipping each other the tongue. It's embarrassing going on YTMND when I'm in a public setting with that ad there. I bet people are wondering if I'm watching kitty porn.
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