a guest news post by rubycalaber
posted by rubycalaber on August 25, 2007 at 05:01:15 PM
so like two days ago I wake up after a hard days work sleeping all day and being a huge loser with no life and I walk the one step between my bed and computer chair and while still naked (thank christ I'm using firefox 2 to write this because I just spelled naked nakid and it put a little red line under it) I turn on my monitor and find my screen filled with slightly more instant messages than usual (I get loads of instant messages because unlike in real life on the internet I have loads of friends and hot chicks wanting to chat and cyber with me) and they are all saying some shit I didn't read about my ytmnd and the history channel (who the fuck cares about the history channel anyway...) then I check irc and there is some news story as the topic of this pretty cool irc channel I hang out in called #?! on efnet it is run by ytmnd artfags like ROY4L but I only chat there to hang out with fanfare who is a very cute internet girl you should check it out or don't if you have a life so I go to this news story which is on some gay 9/11 conspiracy site and I am like "what is this gay shit what does this have to do with m
so I dont bother getting dressed or anything because it is 8 at night in scotland (yeh I am scottish what of it fuck you) I just put on my pjs and I am too excited to eat so I immediately go into my living room and my dad and my sister are watching legally blonde 2 on tv and my dad is like "and what have you done today nothing I bet like usual" and I was like "hehe well actually a site I made on the internet was featured on the history channel" and then I explained what I had just learned and read to my dad said that was cool so yeh owned dad thats probably the most proud of me he will ever be and my sister was looking drop dead gorgeous as always sitting provocatively and she smirks at me with that sexy look she gives with her perfect mouth and says "impressive" god that was so fucking hot she thinks my ytmnd being on tv is impressive sometimes I just want my tongue inside that sexy mouth of hers and then I go back to my room and get on the ytmnsfw forums and there is a sticky thread and an announcement about how badly I own fuck yeh because I do own yes yes yes then I get an IM from fanfare and I am like "oh tee hee hi there qtpi" and she is like "omggggg" and is ecstatic and how badly I owned everyone ever and she says that max wants me to write a news post about this gay shit so I was going to say yes just to impress her because

I really like fanfare because she is so cool and talented and like the cutest girl on the internet and stuff tee hee but then her internet cut out and so then I just got back to my regular life which is never leaving the house for weeks at a time never talking to anyone in real life other than my family never leaving my room other than for food and for toilet use and being a huge loser because I dont go to school or work or whatever I just sit at my computer interneting all night and sleeping all day fuck yeh so I just played counter strike with my good internet pals warhol and Juliet who is a cool pedophile and I owned hackers with aimbot and listening to lost podcasts because I FUCKING LOVE LOST and just chatted away in #?! with my good friends such as endowed and dascoot who are actually huge faggots who I hate and owned a fat paki pedo called m0nde a bit and was owning him all night and next thing I knew it was today and I was still owning faggots on irc I probably time traveled idk and so like a few hours ago max is on irc and he is like "RUBY WRITE A NEWS POST ABOUT THIS GAY HISTORY CHANNEL SHIT WITHIN 24 HOURS OR MILLIONS DIE" and I was like "hey fuck you max you jew I dont work for The Man" and he was like "DONT STAND UP TO ME OR ILL DELET FANFARES SITES AHHH HERE IS A GAY YOUTUBE LINK WATCH IT AHHHH IM MAX IM A JEW AHHHH" so I was like "alright jesus christ" it was like a season of 24 but even more badass and then his zionist underlings in #?! kept bothering me while I clicked this youtube link and saw probably the most jewish thing I have ever seen in my entire life:
(just skip to the last 8 seconds you dont need to listen to their jewish propaganda)
so yeh now I have seen this gay youtube video I will now write a gay news post or whatever for frontpage faggots to read (thats you reading right now unless max doesnt post this which he probably will because he is a dirty jew and is playing a jew mindgame with me like ben from lost but on the internet god I love lost if max had asked me to write a gay news post about lost it would not be fucking shit like this)
anyway, news post update, MORLIEK JEWS POST UPDATE MIRITE?!?!?! owned anyway
the history channel is clearly run by jews because all they ever show is documentaries about how evil hitler was which is obvious jewish propaganda because it is common knowledge that hitler was awesome but then they did a documentary on 9/11 and used my ytmnd to try and make it look like jews didnt do 9/11 (which it is a scientific fact that they did do it) and as we all know ytmnd is run by jews so this is just further evidence that jews did indeed do 9/11 it is also further evidence that I fucking own everyone everyone and I owned all jews every and the History channel with like 5 seconds of documentary footage fucking jesus christ
holy fucking shiiiiiiiiit here is the full 5 seconds of pure ownage in gif form:

make a ytmnd with that fuckers
I can literally believe that my shitty ytmnd that I spend like 10 minutes on a year ago was shown on the History channel because thats how fucking awesome I am when I made that ytmnd when I was saving pictures of 9/11 and photoshoping the star of david and text saying "JEWS DID 9/11" and drawing arrows pointing to the planes on 9/11 saying "jews" I knew that in a years time this would be on a documentary on how jews did 9/11 because I am so heroic that only my ytmnd could prove once and for all that jews did 9/11
I am expecting any time now for the jewish swat teams with stars of david marked across their combat armor to fire tear gas through my window, kick down my door and assassinate me because I know the truth of their conspiracy just like I'm sure they will be kicking down that faggot Alex Joneses door for having a shitty article about this on his gay sites holy shit my ytmnd is raging conspiracy theorist faggots I bet he talks about my ytmnd on his shitty radio show (Alex if you are reading this please 5 my sites while checking them for jew related propaganda thanks bro) I'll show you an inane parody fucking christ those stupid faggot jews at the History Channel they cant even make it look like jews didnt do 9/11 whos fucking idea was it to use my ytmnd I mean they could have used any ytmnd in their shitty documentary but MY ytmnd that is just asking to get owned for fucking life I bet they just googled "jews did 9/11" and got my site hoping that it would not be a reputable source to discredit well guess what you bunch of zionists with a boring shitty channel that fuck all anyone watches and that I get confused with the discovery channel and with your shitty documentaries that you make people buy from your shitty site with your shitty dvd when I heard about this shit I instantly cyber stalked the shit out of them and found their gay dvds here dont I mean do not I repeat DO NOT buy that shit I linked to that noone will click on it is fucking gay those jews want your money I am going to pirate the shit out of that god I hate jews anyway what was I saying oh yeh well
GUESS WHAT HISTORY CHANNEL YOU USED RUBYCALABER: INTERNET HEROES YTMND FOR YOUR SHITTY DOCUMENTARY fuckkkkk how dare they make out that jews didnt do 9/11 and belittle my artwork I spent hours upon hours making that feverish hours of work in photoshop slaving away making frames for that gif well how about this history channel how about I hack your fucking site HOW ABOUT I HACK YOUR GODDAMN MYSPACE I am going to hack the fucking internet and email myself a year ago and tell myself to change that ytmnd to flashing images of the history channel being for fag jews so that when they use it in their gay documentary when they zoom in on the middle last word of that gay text it will read "fag jews" how about that haha just kidding history channel it is ok with me that you cant investigate the internet for jack shit and that you think jews didnt do 9/11 you put my gay ytmnd on the tv for 5 seconds thanks for that if you made ytmnds I would 5 them JUST KIDDING AGAIN NOT REALLY HISTORY CHANNEL ID 1 UR SITES FUCK YOU KIKES
so anyway I am now super famous thanks to incompetent reporters, zionist conspiracies and my own awesome internet heroism well more famous than you
have any of your ytmnds ever been on tv no didnt think so is it eating you up inside huh is it eating you up inside when was the last time you owned jews everywhere owned 9/11 owned an entire tv channel owned some conspiracy theorists WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A YTMNEWS UPDATE HUH (max dont answer that) you are a fucking loser for even coming to this site a loser faggot but not me I am an internet hero I FUCKING OWN THE INTERNET
here is a picture I made that I think best describes this
encase you are a stupid faggot I use jack from lost as my avatar ok that is
me as the 9/11 plane and the twin towers are the history channel and you can
see max jumping out of the towers there to avoid me owning everyone did you
like that pictures it took me several hours in photoshop fuck you
anyway I guess max can put this gay history channel shit on his "media
sightings" page to try and make his shit site seem less shit well lucky for
him and his golden jew wallet people are stupid faggots and love his gay
site I bet you front page faggots will make a ytmnd about this wont you even
though you wont read it or get to read it too bad any ytmnds you ever make
will never get on tv like me oh man it is so easy for me all I have to do is
steal another ytmnds sound and then think up an old tired out unfunny
subject like "JEWS DID 9/11" photoshop some
jew related imagery onto some 9/11 pictures and make a gif and type the word
jew about ten times and BAM a year later its on tv I bet you frontpage
faggots and artfags and such spend several centuries making your gay huge
effort ytmnds dont you and do they got on tv no they dont guess why because
your a faggot and I'm not have fun hanging out with your friends in real
life and getting laid or whatever you LOSERS do for
fun I'll just be GETTING MY YTMNDS ON TV yeh what
now fuck you hahahaha rubycalaber wins again ahahahah fuck history channel
fuck 9/11 fuck Alex Jones fuck conspiracy theories and especially fuck jews
yes I hate jews what of it make a ytmnd about it ahahahahahahah
HAAHHAAHA AHAHAHAHAH oh wow I am so gay I dont even
know what I'm typing about anymore
holy shit I just saw another news article on some gay conspiracy site about my ytmnds appearance and it said "they do a slow zoom into a website in an "evil type way"" and that my site was a "ridiculous ytmnd parody site!" goddamn it my ytmnd is all over the news on the internet god my ytmnd was on the history channel with some faggot saying jews doing 9/11 was picked up by anti-semites hahaha I fucking hate jews like max he gave me 24 hours to write this post and I did it JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME oh man I am awesome but goddamn it fuck that fucking jew from popular mechanics or some shit thank you history channel you stupid jewish fuckers ugh when will these morons realize that jews did really do 9/11!?
so yeh holy fucking shit then I actually read all these instant messages and they were all congratulations on how I am rubycalaber: internet hero and that shit but one I had to maximize because it was so huge and it was a huge full page wall of text from ROY4L going on some raged tirade about how I put down milk for my sacred rats and quiver behind my keyboard and then I get back on irc and I have a pm with another massive wall of text from ROY4L and he is ranting about how I am a weakling and cant do this and that and that noone watches the history channel and how max wants me to write some news post for the front page (WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT NEWS POSTS ON THE FRONT PAGE? THAT SHIT IS FOR FAGGOTS) and ROY4L was obviously so overwhelmed with his rage that my ytmnd got on tv and none of his did because he spends days making his shitty artfag sites and he put his fist through his computer monitor then I read all the shit in #?! and everyone in the channel is practically sucking my dick everyone is saying how much I own and everything so I step away from my computer almost in shock at how much I fucking own the entire internet
History Channel Fraudsters Pass Off Joke Website as Representative Of 9/11 Truth
Liar Bradley Davis used 'Jews Did 9/11' parody to smear truthers during dirty tricks broadcast
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
As part of a catalogue of dirty tricks employed to smear the truth movement in its 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction special, The History Channel used screenshots of an inane parody website and passed it off as representative of people asking questions about the official story.
During the introduction to the show, images from the website http://jewsdid911.ytmnd.com were flashed up and associated with the 9/11 truth movement.
The website is nothing more than a ludicrous fast moving slideshow of 9/11 images with giant letters that read "JEWS DID 9/11" superimposed on top. Some of the images contain the Star of David and more scribbled "Jews did 9/11" epitaphs appear on other shots in neon green type.
The sickening rapid images are accompanied by a distorted rave soundtrack which includes a crazed voice shouting the word "Deutschland" over and over again.
The website is part of the "You're The Man Now, Dog" online community, which is a joke website where users create parody slideshows about pop culture - it has nothing to do with the 9/11 truth movement or any of the guests featured on the History Channel program.
Apologists and debunkers have attempted to dismiss the use of these images as "just a joke" - but their appearance in what was supposedly a serious documentary about 9/11 and in the context of the rest of the dirty tricks that were employed manifestly proves that they were deliberately included as part of a smear campaign to tar 9/11 truthers as kooks, extremists, racists and anti-Semites.
As we exposed yesterday, producer of the show Bradley Davis is a con man and a backstabber, a man who gains people's trust and then betrays them for the purposes of producing salacious tabloid style hit piece documentaries.
He engaged in a plethora of different dirty tricks, malicious lies and journalistic fraud in order to portray 9/11 truth representatives as paranoid, uneducated crazies who were hurting the 9/11 families, while exalting so-called "experts" from Popular Mechanics, which is owned by Hearst "yellow journalism" Publishing, the same company that owns a controlling interest in the History Channel.
The inclusion of these completely unrelated and ridiculous images was obviously another stunt to frame 9/11 truthers as nutcases and completely violates every known standard of ethical journalism.
Brad Davis and the History Channel have destroyed any impartiality they had by broadcasting this monumental fraud and we invite History Channel bosses to consider making a new documentary that shows some aspect of neutrality and balance, should the station be interested in maintaining any semblance of credibility, but we know this is highly unlikely because their part owners Hearst Publishing have no interest in reasoned and fair journalism.
so I dont bother getting dressed or anything because it is 8 at night in scotland (yeh I am scottish what of it fuck you) I just put on my pjs and I am too excited to eat so I immediately go into my living room and my dad and my sister are watching legally blonde 2 on tv and my dad is like "and what have you done today nothing I bet like usual" and I was like "hehe well actually a site I made on the internet was featured on the history channel" and then I explained what I had just learned and read to my dad said that was cool so yeh owned dad thats probably the most proud of me he will ever be and my sister was looking drop dead gorgeous as always sitting provocatively and she smirks at me with that sexy look she gives with her perfect mouth and says "impressive" god that was so fucking hot she thinks my ytmnd being on tv is impressive sometimes I just want my tongue inside that sexy mouth of hers and then I go back to my room and get on the ytmnsfw forums and there is a sticky thread and an announcement about how badly I own fuck yeh because I do own yes yes yes then I get an IM from fanfare and I am like "oh tee hee hi there qtpi" and she is like "omggggg" and is ecstatic and how badly I owned everyone ever and she says that max wants me to write a news post about this gay shit so I was going to say yes just to impress her because

I really like fanfare because she is so cool and talented and like the cutest girl on the internet and stuff tee hee but then her internet cut out and so then I just got back to my regular life which is never leaving the house for weeks at a time never talking to anyone in real life other than my family never leaving my room other than for food and for toilet use and being a huge loser because I dont go to school or work or whatever I just sit at my computer interneting all night and sleeping all day fuck yeh so I just played counter strike with my good internet pals warhol and Juliet who is a cool pedophile and I owned hackers with aimbot and listening to lost podcasts because I FUCKING LOVE LOST and just chatted away in #?! with my good friends such as endowed and dascoot who are actually huge faggots who I hate and owned a fat paki pedo called m0nde a bit and was owning him all night and next thing I knew it was today and I was still owning faggots on irc I probably time traveled idk and so like a few hours ago max is on irc and he is like "RUBY WRITE A NEWS POST ABOUT THIS GAY HISTORY CHANNEL SHIT WITHIN 24 HOURS OR MILLIONS DIE" and I was like "hey fuck you max you jew I dont work for The Man" and he was like "DONT STAND UP TO ME OR ILL DELET FANFARES SITES AHHH HERE IS A GAY YOUTUBE LINK WATCH IT AHHHH IM MAX IM A JEW AHHHH" so I was like "alright jesus christ" it was like a season of 24 but even more badass and then his zionist underlings in #?! kept bothering me while I clicked this youtube link and saw probably the most jewish thing I have ever seen in my entire life:
(just skip to the last 8 seconds you dont need to listen to their jewish propaganda)
so yeh now I have seen this gay youtube video I will now write a gay news post or whatever for frontpage faggots to read (thats you reading right now unless max doesnt post this which he probably will because he is a dirty jew and is playing a jew mindgame with me like ben from lost but on the internet god I love lost if max had asked me to write a gay news post about lost it would not be fucking shit like this)
anyway, news post update, MORLIEK JEWS POST UPDATE MIRITE?!?!?! owned anyway
the history channel is clearly run by jews because all they ever show is documentaries about how evil hitler was which is obvious jewish propaganda because it is common knowledge that hitler was awesome but then they did a documentary on 9/11 and used my ytmnd to try and make it look like jews didnt do 9/11 (which it is a scientific fact that they did do it) and as we all know ytmnd is run by jews so this is just further evidence that jews did indeed do 9/11 it is also further evidence that I fucking own everyone everyone and I owned all jews every and the History channel with like 5 seconds of documentary footage fucking jesus christ
holy fucking shiiiiiiiiit here is the full 5 seconds of pure ownage in gif form:

make a ytmnd with that fuckers
I can literally believe that my shitty ytmnd that I spend like 10 minutes on a year ago was shown on the History channel because thats how fucking awesome I am when I made that ytmnd when I was saving pictures of 9/11 and photoshoping the star of david and text saying "JEWS DID 9/11" and drawing arrows pointing to the planes on 9/11 saying "jews" I knew that in a years time this would be on a documentary on how jews did 9/11 because I am so heroic that only my ytmnd could prove once and for all that jews did 9/11
I am expecting any time now for the jewish swat teams with stars of david marked across their combat armor to fire tear gas through my window, kick down my door and assassinate me because I know the truth of their conspiracy just like I'm sure they will be kicking down that faggot Alex Joneses door for having a shitty article about this on his gay sites holy shit my ytmnd is raging conspiracy theorist faggots I bet he talks about my ytmnd on his shitty radio show (Alex if you are reading this please 5 my sites while checking them for jew related propaganda thanks bro) I'll show you an inane parody fucking christ those stupid faggot jews at the History Channel they cant even make it look like jews didnt do 9/11 whos fucking idea was it to use my ytmnd I mean they could have used any ytmnd in their shitty documentary but MY ytmnd that is just asking to get owned for fucking life I bet they just googled "jews did 9/11" and got my site hoping that it would not be a reputable source to discredit well guess what you bunch of zionists with a boring shitty channel that fuck all anyone watches and that I get confused with the discovery channel and with your shitty documentaries that you make people buy from your shitty site with your shitty dvd when I heard about this shit I instantly cyber stalked the shit out of them and found their gay dvds here dont I mean do not I repeat DO NOT buy that shit I linked to that noone will click on it is fucking gay those jews want your money I am going to pirate the shit out of that god I hate jews anyway what was I saying oh yeh well
GUESS WHAT HISTORY CHANNEL YOU USED RUBYCALABER: INTERNET HEROES YTMND FOR YOUR SHITTY DOCUMENTARY fuckkkkk how dare they make out that jews didnt do 9/11 and belittle my artwork I spent hours upon hours making that feverish hours of work in photoshop slaving away making frames for that gif well how about this history channel how about I hack your fucking site HOW ABOUT I HACK YOUR GODDAMN MYSPACE I am going to hack the fucking internet and email myself a year ago and tell myself to change that ytmnd to flashing images of the history channel being for fag jews so that when they use it in their gay documentary when they zoom in on the middle last word of that gay text it will read "fag jews" how about that haha just kidding history channel it is ok with me that you cant investigate the internet for jack shit and that you think jews didnt do 9/11 you put my gay ytmnd on the tv for 5 seconds thanks for that if you made ytmnds I would 5 them JUST KIDDING AGAIN NOT REALLY HISTORY CHANNEL ID 1 UR SITES FUCK YOU KIKES
so anyway I am now super famous thanks to incompetent reporters, zionist conspiracies and my own awesome internet heroism well more famous than you
have any of your ytmnds ever been on tv no didnt think so is it eating you up inside huh is it eating you up inside when was the last time you owned jews everywhere owned 9/11 owned an entire tv channel owned some conspiracy theorists WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A YTMNEWS UPDATE HUH (max dont answer that) you are a fucking loser for even coming to this site a loser faggot but not me I am an internet hero I FUCKING OWN THE INTERNET
here is a picture I made that I think best describes this

holy shit I just saw another news article on some gay conspiracy site about my ytmnds appearance and it said "they do a slow zoom into a website in an "evil type way"" and that my site was a "ridiculous ytmnd parody site!" goddamn it my ytmnd is all over the news on the internet god my ytmnd was on the history channel with some faggot saying jews doing 9/11 was picked up by anti-semites hahaha I fucking hate jews like max he gave me 24 hours to write this post and I did it JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME oh man I am awesome but goddamn it fuck that fucking jew from popular mechanics or some shit thank you history channel you stupid jewish fuckers ugh when will these morons realize that jews did really do 9/11!?