874 sites have this keyword listed in their metadata, here's one you may hate:

Dschinghis Ballmer
The fallback name for the site was Developers Khan....
Other sites with this keyword...
site user views score
?John and Richie fans. . .:( SkyB 3,557 (2.17)
?Microsoft Isn't Helpful Matmaniac 802 (2.17)
?Emo Office Assistant joeymcjoe 1,611 (2.17)
?Next-Gen Gaming is Satanic[updated sound] Raid07 3,692 (2.17)
?NO MORE E3(in present form) Link165 957 (2.17)
?Microsoft On-Screen Keyboard! BillNy3ROXS 1,328 (2.15)
?IE7 is a Virus Slut Magnet(F11) Willsnotgay 1,924 (2.14)
?testing tonytonka 793 (2.14)
?Where Is Your God Now? rangerrick73 1,126 (2.14)
?Damn Windows 98!!!!! clarkerto 1,498 (2.14)
?Safety not guaranteed - Brings back a copy of win... azrag 790 (2.14)
?Is this good for the company? fishbulb25 1,185 (2.14)
?Microsoft - tsk tsk tsk Omnius-The-Evermind 881 (2.14)
?Mac vs. Pc: Pc Gets Physical rigbyrocks 1,072 (2.14)
?Microsoft TechNet Has ONE Weakness Uphoreum 1,242 (2.13)
?Cool Animation -- At the end something cool happe... AA224 2,173 (2.13)
?MacBook Pro owned by Microsoft soulchaser 1,818 (2.13)
?Sony got owned by Microsoft djdomingo 1,539 (2.12)
?My Daddy's Chainsaw goes... Cookie1456 1,863 (2.11)
?**NEW** FPS DAREDEVIL XBOX360 GAME xboxbatman 1,604 (2.11)
?Microsoft attempts spelling... spencer723 1,322 (2.11)
?Don't iTase Me Bro! dddeskt0p 966 (2.11)
?mac>pc dillinger 7,095 (2.11)
?Microsoft Sucks Ass ormannay15 1,410 (2.10)
?Your typical day with windows starbucks95905 869 (2.09)
?Microsoft Word. Kuroshi 1,185 (2.09)
?Microsoft's portable entertainmet center PornoPhD 2,246 (2.08)
?Ummm. What does that say, now? Kuromajikku 1,038 (2.08)
?HUEG LIKE XBOX EriktheRehd 2,082 (2.07)