874 sites have this keyword listed in their metadata, here's one you may hate:

New Windows Announced!!!!!! NT!!!!
The new windows has just been anounced.
Other sites with this keyword...
site user views score
?Wingdings predicts 9-11! Kinesis 3,895 (2.64)
?Microsoftdicks shuasage 3,620 (2.64)
?Microsoft tells the truth. whiteman 2,885 (2.64)
?Microsoft Sam can't understand the owlz fuzzmaster0077 1,225 (2.63)
?Well Actually, Microsoft kazehaxor 1,071 (2.63)
?WL QnA: Safety Not Guaranteed KKyuubi 1,486 (2.62)
?WHY you choose Windows Nordtroll 1,189 (2.62)
?PCs were only the beginning Ligerfox 1,489 (2.61)
?Halo 3 Revealed! webbslinga411 3,304 (2.61)
?Peter Moore rocks (Guitar Hero 2 Xbox 360) Bauerpower 1,852 (2.60)
?Windows 8's New BSOD jason24589 1,116 (2.60)
?Tune Up Utilitie KeepItSidewayz2 1,026 (2.60)
?I'm Pissing, I'm Pissing JoshDavies 1,416 (2.60)
?MS Sound Recorder>>>>>>>&... Complete-Lion 992 (2.60)
?The end of Windows... Turnip-boy 1,006 (2.60)
?WOW THANKS A LOT WINDOWS. *fix'... AcidZombie 2,086 (2.60)
?(NSFW) I'd rather be a hammer... SpaceDolphin 6,734 (2.60)
?XBOX 360 MEANS TO COME! Sasha 2,749 (2.59)
?Windows 1.0-Vista ItalianStallion47 963 (2.57)
?Area 51 does not exist GHrsn 2,274 (2.57)
?You can buy the internet darkwhisper 1,126 (2.57)
?(nsfw) Fuck everything CaptainJebus 1,764 (2.56)
?FCKGW OWNED! 35 days early (for once)! nabeelco 1,520 (2.56)
?Poont bunbun 1,438 (2.55)
?OMG SECRET NAZI MS WORD! JebusTheAlmighty 904 (2.55)
?Windows Vista Desktop amtrak3 2,018 (2.54)
?AT&T Mike responds to Microsoft SAM once ... climbatiz 1,271 (2.53)
?In response to the first X-Box slogan... GamePhreak 3,590 (2.51)
?Andrew Cushman: Bitches Don't Know Abo... homeless-syndicate 1,289 (2.50)