Anglicanism took control on England after a sad petty monarch wasn't granted a divorce.
His daughter Mary then forced Catholism on England, causing much killing.
Mary died, and Elizabeth I took throne as a protestant and more play with religion was taken. Wars with the Catholics followed.
Mainland Protestant reforms lead to Peasants' Wars.
People were killed, and it was a chain of events. No one is innocent.
New World settlers who most were of different religions, killed Native Americans. Murderers. :(
In Democratic nations you have rights to many things. Religion is one of them. You can be Roman Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Sunni Muslim, or Athiest. You shouldn't be warring in a nation if it's stable. Nations like Pakistan have certain extremist groups however, yet in Western Democratic Societies we are allowed by choice our religion.
Religion is a base of murder. I don't care who done it. Religious groups can't stay due to wanting power, and scapegoat it on something like a belief or an idea.
Ok. What the hell? I'm Roman Catholic, and found this offensive to anyone truely. You make it look like people who have no religion, who are Catholic, and by god are Poles are evil beings. Muslims, again, are portayed to be murderers.
Dictatorships killed, ideals killed. Majority of the murders are by Soviet Union under good ole Stalin, National Socialist, and other dictators. We also have Chinese, North Koreans, Vietnamese, ect.
Yet you make it seem so one sided.
Seriously, stop being an E-missionary.
Also the anti-Catholism, love it.
No wonder the KKK hates Catholics who moved to the United States.
No wonder Ireland is basically the way it is. It'll remain that way.
Sorry. It'll be violent again sometime soon between the two Christian sects.
Matter can not be created nor can it be destroyed... Was matter created by other beings outside the universe, possiblly another demension. Was it a supernatural being? No one knows where matter comes from since it just came into exsistence.
Also Science can not really prove or disprove the exsistance of God.
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