windwalker's favorites:

site average score creator added on
?24 Hours of Sunlight (4.50) Bob-the-Builder 2008-07-30
?You Must Remember This Too (4.24) tkx7 2008-07-30
?(nsfw) Empire Strikes Back: Original Ending (4.59) Phernoree 2008-07-30
?OMG Secret Nazi Calculator (71,346,315) (4.38) TetrisAnarchist 2008-07-30
?The Cosby is a Lie (4.43) MrSinistar 2008-07-30
?(nsfw) HOME FOR THE HOL337AYS (3.96) Dr-L337 2008-07-30
?New Halo 3 Character (4.35) optimuskyle 2008-07-30
?Epic Metal Gear Solid Chase (4.05) Bakey 2008-07-30
?NEDM LIVES!!!! (4.29) Carlsagan43 2008-07-30
?giraffes in the air! (4.29) cheekygirl 2008-07-30
?(nsfw) How to Find the Female G-Spot (4.49) bennyjoe81 2008-07-30
?lol, pregnancy (4.19) ansirdquestions 2008-07-30
?(nsfw) NIGGER PIRATES INVADE THE WHITE-... (4.28) TACOPUMP 2008-07-30
?The New Ruler of Hell. (4.59) money-hat 2008-07-30
?Flight of the Bumble Dean (4.42) chronster 2008-07-30
?lol, pilot: Special Edition (4.62) qxx 2008-07-30
?The Wrong Way to Eat a Reeses (4.48) davedevil16 2008-07-30
?Gman's having a wonderful time (4.40) ixian 2008-07-30
?SHOCKING CATS (4.65) echo24 2008-07-30
?Walkin' Around in Portals (4.10) abcdefg 2008-07-30
?lol, portal (4.57) Sizler 2008-07-30
?Goatse Portal (4.24) Bob-the-Builder 2008-07-30
?WoW Shaman = Jesus (3.69) Reapox 2008-07-30
?Arctic Vengeance (4.59) NiteSky 2008-07-30
?CLICK AT OWN RISK (4.08) tkx7 2008-07-30
?Indiana Jones and the Art of Seduction (4.63) blommer 2008-07-30