could you have possibly found a crappier, more watermarked image? Jesus christ, 0 for effort, 3 for 007.
15 seconds of google image search provided these
Use one.
No, he clearly is changing facial expressions in this image. Maybe his shirt or something isn't changing, but his face definitely is, that's the whole point.
This is a stupid idea, IMDB is a respectable website with legimate rankings and public opinions.
Let's not screw that up just for fun, or some homoerotic pride thing for max. Thanks.
That scene is a direct rip-off from that scene is Alien VS Predator, when the predators are getting over taken at the temple, and they set off their bomb (which looks EXACTLY like this one) to take out the remaining hordes of aliens.
Not that AvP was a good movie or anything. BUT I CAUGHT THEIR RIP-OFF!!!! GAaHHHHHH!!!!!
Different tempo, rythym, and more imporantly Key! Not even the same scale being played, the kill bill one being a blues scale and doom being some kind of harmonic minor.
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