Please go kill yourself for the good of the gene pool. Also while your at it, kill your children and immediate family members so they cannot contaminate the gene pool either. Good day.
False handjobs? I wrote on mine that my teacher said I had to work harder to improve my "grades". Then I wrote "Now she is pregnant and I dont know what to do!" Just to give it more credability. lol, skool surveys
There is absolutely no relation between the two pictures. Also the American infidels are sacrificing themselves at the gates of Baghdad and begging Saddam Hussain for forgiveness. In Soviet Russia, Yoshi rides YOU! Also knocks.
Ive been wondering how he is able to stay alive. Old Bob was an old man in the 50s when he started the show. Its now 2007 and hes still old and STILL ALIVE!!!!!!!!11111oneoneshift+1
Also smocks.
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