traf's votes:

traf has made 73 total votes, with an average rating of 4.16.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Gotta Get That Bacon! (4.00) Score: 4 stars (4.00) Score: 4 stars
?Nothing to See Here (4.00) Score: 4 stars (4.12) Score: 4.1224 stars
?DOMAIN GRAB; to be updated 2015 (5.00) Score: 5 stars (4.53) Score: 4.5319 stars
?Everything is proceeding exactly as Zemeckis has f... (4.00) Score: 4 stars (3.82) Score: 3.8182 stars
?Closing Credits (*huge*) (5.00) Score: 5 stars (4.54) Score: 4.543 stars
?Sisko Fails at Minesweeper (5.00) Score: 5 stars (4.00) Score: 4.004 stars
?The Ballad of Ralph Nader (5.00) Score: 5 stars (3.44) Score: 3.4444 stars
?And Vader Will Whisper... (5.00) Score: 5 stars (4.18) Score: 4.1818 stars
?aN iMpOrTanT aNnOuNcEmENt (4.00) Score: 4 stars (3.44) Score: 3.4444 stars
?RIP B. Mac (5.00) Score: 5 stars (2.67) Score: 2.6667 stars
?Star Wars Deleted Scene (4.00) Score: 4 stars (3.86) Score: 3.8644 stars
?Nightmare at 20,000 feet (5.00) Score: 5 stars (4.10) Score: 4.1006 stars
?God is an American (3.00) Score: 3 stars (2.61) Score: 2.6147 stars
?Robocop Does The Robot (4.00) Score: 4 stars (3.05) Score: 3.0465 stars
?798999iii (4.00) Score: 4 stars (3.00) Score: 3 stars
?Chuck Norris on a Rampage! (4.00) Score: 4 stars (3.52) Score: 3.5238 stars
?nsmb (5.00) Score: 5 stars (4.51) Score: 4.5067 stars
?Interfunnynet Kid Hates Math Tests (3.00) Score: 3 stars (2.00) Score: 2 stars
?The Inter''funny''net (4.00) Score: 4 stars (3.33) Score: 3.3333 stars
?Stan's going for featured (4.00) Score: 4 stars (4.24) Score: 4.2412 stars
?google earth vision of the real death star (4.00) Score: 4 stars (3.53) Score: 3.5333 stars
?Brokeback Fortress 2 (4.00) Score: 4 stars (3.70) Score: 3.6964 stars
?COMPLETELY RANDOM IMAGE + COMPLETE... (5.00) Score: 5 stars (3.79) Score: 3.7931 stars
?It's Good! Want Some? (5.00) Score: 5 stars (4.76) Score: 4.7632 stars
?OMG! Super Mario RPG Advance!! (4.00) Score: 4 stars (3.36) Score: 3.3621 stars
?MON Express (4.00) Score: 4 stars (3.98) Score: 3.9758 stars
?BOXBOXBOXBOX (4.00) Score: 4 stars (4.19) Score: 4.1874 stars
?Pot- smoking Santabot (1.00) Score: 1 stars (2.67) Score: 2.6667 stars
?McDancin' (4.00) Score: 4 stars (4.15) Score: 4.1513 stars
?Death Of Spiderman (5.00) Score: 5 stars (3.11) Score: 3.1111 stars