threedefect's recent activity:

when activity
December 20th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?Do u want to be a cop.
December 20th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?Gabagool?.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?Punch The Geese Howard For Gods Sake.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?The Unfortunate Diet of Chuck McGill.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?Khan Ruins Kirk's Lawn.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?Do u want to be a cop.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?Tony Soprano's killer.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?Fuhgedabouda Fish Biscuit.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?Tony Soprano takes YTMND too seriously.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?Sopranos Finale™.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?(nsfw) Robert Loggia Meets Tony Soprano.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?The Christianos - Starring Joe Pesci.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?Nobody Has AIDS!.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?I thought you were on the atkins.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect searched for "sopranos".
October 14th, 2022 threedefect viewed ?Do u want to be a cop.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect created the site ?Do u want to be a cop.
October 14th, 2022 threedefect joined YTMND. Welcome.