Just to be devil's advocate, the site was still made two years after the album came out.
But still, who cares. it's a hilarious site. It will still be funny in 20 years.
FYI, for the people who said the guy should just shut up and pay his bill, actually the opposite happened. He posted this recording on his blog, it got some attention on the internet, and Verizon was embarrassed into refunding his 70 bucks and apologizing: http://verizonmath.blogspot.com/2006/12/response-from-verizon-100-refund.html
Also, Verizon COUNTS ON their confusing rates. It isn't an accident. Thats why they charge '$0.002/kb' rather than say, '$2/MB' which is clearly f*cking expensive.
I don't know if everyone sees the same ads, but the banner I see on the top of the Fruity McGayGay comments page is for "GAY AND LESBIAN JEWELRY COLLECTION".
Oh yeah, 5'd.
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