apparently the hat isn't gone forever, since harry mentions to his son that it takes someone's choice into account when deciding which team they go on.
This spoiler is fo' real. there's already a full scan of the book floating around teh intarwebs, if you care to look for it. And the last word isn't scar, but it's in the last two sentences: "The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well."
TO THOSE WHO WANT SORTED SEARCHING: Use the quick search from any page BUT the home page. For example, type your search into the quicksearch at the top of this page, and it'll be just like the old search. Also, doing further searches from within a search results page (with or without sorting) will produce a sortable result.
I like the new features, but I must agree with the folks who want their top 5 back. At least make it an obvious option from inside the "browse" section.
lol @ forkhead. yup, it's a human hand. there's even a cute little story that goes along with the pic if you've got the CD. also, anybody else notice that Comet forgot the fluffy mane-type thing around her neck/shoulders?
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