tehPimp's votes:

tehPimp has made 109 total votes, with an average rating of 3.35.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?I have no sites! (5.00) (3.70) 
?(nsfw) Christina's Boobies V2 (1.00) (3.67) 
?alex beatz (3.00) (4.13) 
?Do Mrs. Claus in the sleigh? (3.00) (3.74) 
?(nsfw) An EPIC mount! (1.00) (3.36) 
?Future of LazyTown (3.00) (4.37) 
?300TMND: THIS IS SPARTA (fun times mix) (5.00) (4.58) 
?Nintendo plot twist (3.00) (3.01) 
?Noob Wars: Episode 2 The Attack of the Noobs (3.00) (3.66) 
?Women have ONE weakness! (1.00) (3.72) 
?Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids. (1.00) (2.43) 
?Leeroy Jenkins (fun times mix) (5.00) (4.03) 
?LazyTown: Under New Management (1.00) (4.09) 
?FR33 MY 50UL (3.00) (3.95) 
?A tribute to the 90s (3.00) (3.65) 
?She Googled Yo Ass (3.00) (3.84) 
?Bill Cosby Alarm Clock (3.00) (3.94) 
?Lex Luthor > Lil Jon (5.00) (4.65) 
?(nsfw) Samuel Jackson Paradox (3.00) (4.30) 
?Paris Hilton doesn't change facial expression... (5.00) (4.11) 
?Lazytown Rap: Stephanie feat. Lil' Jon (5.00) (4.22) 
?Jam is outrageous! (3.00) (4.28) 
?300TMND: LOL, MADNESS (1.00) (4.17) 
?A5H K3TCHUM'5 F1R5T P0K3M0N (3.00) (4.05) 
?CONTESTMND: LazyTown Photoshop WINNER (3.00) (3.85) 
?(nsfw) CONTEST: Unseen Footage! (3.00) (3.72) 
?lol, pilot (5.00) (4.57) 
?(nsfw) The Original How To Prank a Telemarketer (5.00) (3.40) 
?CONTESTMND: Photoshop this Picture! (3.00) (3.77) 
?ytmnd pwns jeopardy (better GIF and MP3, so refr... (3.00) (4.47)