And as paying-per-click. You'd have to actually CLICK the link in order to make money. If you're not interested in the product (and be realistic, who is?) you're not going to click it. End of story.
But here's an idea, if you think this is a good idea (and I'm sure you do) and want to support this, why don't you buy that Cuisinart Blender, or the gazillon songs from napster. I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
are doing nothing more than wasting your time. If possible, Max could show what his monthly coverage is from generated ad revenue, and maybe to go further, actually request information from the ad business he signed up with, how much product was actually purchased directly from linking from YTMND.
site with the content such as found on YTMND is one thing, seeing ads for VALID discounts off of video games, special offers for energy drinks and so catch my another. Internet ads on a large scale are generally non-discriminating against the people their idiocy is spewed forth upon. You as a "advertising proffesional" should at least know that in order for ANYONE to make money with advertising, you MUST HAVE SOMETHING THAT WILL DRAW PEOPLE IN, AND KEEP THEIR ATTENTION, otherwise you
Impressions made from television ads (ie: Superbowl) have a much larger "must-buy" impact on the viewer which is sitting comfortably in their chair, tuned into the tv are much more effective than some half-assed 10 second blue-and-white epilespy-inducing annoyance that pops up unexpectadly while browsing a site. Ads on the internet are unexpected, annoying, and usually are never set up with at least the core audience of a site in mind (seeing ads for insurance and toasters on a community-based
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