the bedtime story i shall read to my children..................................if they aren't inbred and suffering from rectal cancer
i like how the only one concentrating on the girl here is joshcube. now im going to go watch reall people porn while doing sit-ups in buttercream <33333 stwun ken why t
Silence unoriginal username account just ripped from that pantsless guy who makes pointless personal/non-sequitor/attempts at being like darthwang and keatonkeaton999!!!!!
because it's essentially a site with an image any random person could create in his spare time, an image that doesn't really reflect reality and therefore is not funny at all! goody day sir!
strunken j. emmanuel white - ace attorney
call 1-800-CHINESE for service
Well this site started out as a HAPPY BIRTHDAY _________!!!!!!!! site but it didn't seem to fit the trends of that fad so i gave it a non-sequitor title
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