The guys were cool for making him come off as a crazy *ss and laughing at him, but then they committed a heinous sin, they actually thought 80 bucks for Strider on Genesis was too much?!!? Dude, you got a SWEET *SS DEAL. I hope someone stole it from you and either kept it and appreciated it more than you did, or ebayed it for 100's of dollars because you didn't understand how much of a priceless treasure you got.
this was a terrible choice, and what makes it especially bad is that there are plenty songs in that very game that are better that at least SOME people may have agreed with. Songs like these: (NSFW, naked chick in it for some reason)
or especially
"Fear Of The Heavens" the piano-ish theme song for the game.
-oh btw, omitting at least one Castlevania song from your top 10 is rather unforgivable.
what can i say, this was choice. I "wanted" to minus for out of sync (it got better on refresh but still was a little off) but cmon, this was great, and so much verse, you earned the 5'd.
ok i just gotta say man, this was friggin cool (and Robert Daltry rocks, not primarily, but partially due playing an Immportal in the Highlander series.....who smokes a pipe.....).
oh yeah, and thanks for reminding me why you're a hick, you think just because someone is from a more progressive place than you they do drugs? i'd think it's the exact opposite from the way you cling to the best news you've had in 30 years. i'd say you dont have alot to happy about.....wanna buy some of my weed? because i actually dont touch the stuff, i only sell it to gomers like you.
hm, now that the next season as over has that Texas lala land settled up yet, because USC, after going back to the Rose Bowl and winning will go on to do well, whereas Texas.....well looks like you'll need to ration those laughs.
USC=back to winning a BCS
Texas=hm, not so much
wow people that interpret this image this way are stupid, until you see a fullmotion video of her actually doing a full cheer, you're just looking at her randomly waving her poms once in a still image, cheerleaders are always randomly peeping like that no matter what's going on.
lol, too late, streak already ended, as i figured they once again suck. They're lucky, considering it took an admittedly epic performance to beat an underperforming USC by three points.
You know, the middle east is a crap storm, but honestly, Israel at least is stable and logical, a region that cares about its people, i'd root for them to win out against the insanse muslim fundamentalists that hate everything (jews especially) and just want to run their land and misguided citizens into the ground. So yes, 1 those losers.
dont get all bent out of shape by the tardy comments dude. anyhoo this gets a five since somehow it manages to be such an awesome epic....cant put my finger on it, maybe it's the team wide challenge + kick to the face.
yes, what's sad is that i know what TNG eoisode this is from just from this clip, and pretty much what he's saying.
it is a series of numbers and code words (like charlie and alpha and stuff) with Patrick Stewarts voice to over-ride the enterprise and go to the planet where his inventor TNG knowledge ftw.
wow,very interesting, is pure delirium what they teach you down at that school? after you were utterly emasculated by the Trojans this year at the Coliseum i'm surprised you think you can even try and cover it up.
but hey at least you got "your" team mascot right, it's pre-school, but it's a start.
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