spamyoutodeath's recent comments:

December 6th, 2009
On on the site ?YTQND SOUNDTRASH 01
what's at sound near the beginning that starts with "ooooh"
Noob. Everyone knows that Doom's BSP map format can't handle swinging doors.
You all suck.
Linux ain't an Operating System. TECHNICALITY'D
January 17th, 2008
On on the site ?CS101 - Success!
Pfft. Real Programmers(tm) use assembly. And ed.
December 23rd, 2007
On on the site ?iv81
wtf you on boy?
June 24th, 2007
a o hell
June 19th, 2007
On on the site ?wHaT!?
pink abuse
June 18th, 2007
MGS4 FTW. I'm buying a PS3 when this comes out.
June 12th, 2007
That's a great idea! I'll go play Doom instead because it was the first FPS with a shotgun... oh wait, I already play Doom a f*ckton more than Halo. Oops.
June 12th, 2007
June 12th, 2007
The dual health/shield was what made Halo 1 fun. Halo 2 diminished it, and it sucked. Halo 3 keeps the fragmented remains of uniqueness from the XBox's one Killer App, and slathers it with dried up crap they took from iD and Insomniac.
June 12th, 2007
Large chainguns = Wolf and Doom. Rocket Launchers = quake. Noob.
June 12th, 2007
Doom had the BFG. Quake had the Shaft. Quake 2 had the railgun. Quake 3 had... well, the first bots that were fun to play against, so it didn't need a new gun. Quake 4 had thw Dark Matter gun. Unreal Tournament had... well, every one of their guns is unique. Timesplitters had bricks and fire extinguishers and head-exploding poison (among other things).
June 12th, 2007
Pull the trigger, for God's sake!
June 12th, 2007
You're just mad because you suck *ss at Quake.
June 12th, 2007
Every successful game has a (read: one; a single; at least one; SOMETHING OF A) new element that makes it fun. Halo 3 has none.
June 12th, 2007
You can't mow down Nazis with the minigun. You can't rocketjump off a wall after using a jump pad. You can't...
June 12th, 2007
The point isn't that Halo rips concepts and weapons from other games, the point is that it's ALL IT DOES. Every game borrows from others.
June 12th, 2007
Flame grenades (TF). Nail gun (Quake). Rail gun (Quake 2). The freakin' minigun (Wolf3D). The BFG9000 (Doom). The BioGun (UT... not sure if I have the name right). The "rail gun" (Jedi Knight, sticky explosive launcher). The Dark Matter Gun (Quake 4). I'll add more as I remember them.
June 12th, 2007
If you're talking sales, it's not near the top 20.
June 12th, 2007
It does copy, but it brings _nothing_ new.
June 12th, 2007
want to get this at the top... a few corrections. The Railgun was in Quake _2_, and probably in more before that (some Doom DeHackED patches have one). The Heavy in TFC was obviously taken from the heavy in the original Team Fortress (the Quake 1 mod), and Miniguns have been in use in FPS since the beginning (Wolf3D). iD wins.
June 12th, 2007
Please do, we don't want you here.
lol, people hate me because I ruined the perfect five
add "" instead.