BOO F*CKING HOO... honestly, martyrdom and the senseless killing of millions is one of the risks you run when trying to control others with an imaginary God. no religion is unguilty of persecution or murder that I have heard of.
hmmm... nice and even thought provoking work. it does sound like "god" (an unknown unexplainable "entity" we have no idea about) but not the kind of god in any sort of religion made by man.
you're all acting like it's the stupidest thing ever created, and that anyone who was even slightly intrigued was stupid and gullible. it was a well executed experiment on human reaction, and all you who thought it was 'stupid' and 'gh3y t0t4ll3' contributed to your own statistic
i tried to get on it a couple of hors ago and it was down, and still is... and has the same countdown, but for another purpose! check it out
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