Those who say he says luc: You are subborn pieces of sh*t. Luc is not f*cking there, maybe a bit of "oo" was left unintentionally, but, I'm sure that the guy who made it didn't intend for it to be in there.
THANKS FOR THE ONE RATING, YOU f*ckING DIPsh*t, THE SITE HASN'T BEEN UP LONG ENOUGH FOR YOU TO VIEW THE FULL THING, SO WHAT THE f*ck WOULD YOU KNOW, *ssHOLE. f*ckING IDIOTS. someone find out who first rated this site, f*cking rat bastards.
Whoever gave this a low rating is a severly stupid mother f*cker. What kind of mental deficient idiots are you people? f*cking hell. sh*t like this pisses me off.
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