sewerrat0's votes:

sewerrat0 has made 11 total votes, with an average rating of 5.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Bleach wants me to what? (5.00) (3.25) 
?Zelda O RLY (5.00) (4.27) 
?O RLY, Tootsie Pops? (5.00) (4.02) 
?Just What I Needed. (5.00) (4.47) 
?bff jill OMFG mom resynch (5.00) (3.95) 
?(nsfw) Holy shi* it's a Dinosaur! WTF? (juras... (5.00) (4.67) 
?Aeon shouldn't have poked around (5.00) (4.68) 
?Bears: What in God's Name Are They Up T... (5.00) (3.97) 
?Nintendo 64 Gear Solid (5.00) (4.22) 
?The Great Hentai Depression of 2004 (5.00) (4.25) 
?Kratos' MySpace Suicide! (5.00) (3.72)