semperscio's votes:

semperscio has made 45 total votes, with an average rating of 5.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Without Cosby (5.00) (4.25) 
?Dog Dreams (5.00) (4.21) 
?i don't know what life is anymore (5.00) (4.00) 
?(nsfw) buzzzzzzz... (5.00) (3.73) 
?we can dance if we want to (5.00) (4.06) 
?TV DREAMS (5.00) (4.09) 
?GAWD DANGIT BOBBEH (5.00) (4.23) 
?horrors  of  the  wh... (5.00) (4.24) 
?What A Beautiful Day (5.00) (4.20) 
?manson - woosh bop (5.00) (4.64) 
?Doom Guy's Stayin' Alive (5.00) (4.53) 
?SKRILLEX IN CANADA (5.00) (3.27) 
?expectations (5.00) (4.40) 
?Goat (5.00) (4.26) 
?Donkey Kong Country: The Movie! (5.00) (4.21) 
?Jand (5.00) (4.11) 
?Cartoon Violence (5.00) (4.26) 
?zazazazazaza (5.00) (4.43) 
?Cosby groovin' to Cosby (5.00) (3.97) 
?Acvart MeCHHHHHa Tarcnycol (5.00) (4.10) 
?unincumbent (5.00) (4.35) 
?parakeet of fire (5.00) (4.10) 
?Buffalo Bill Cosby (5.00) (4.31) 
?Your Potato Have Just Died (5.00) (4.08) 
?Metropolitan Moment (5.00) (3.60) 
?Let's Have a Beer & Go Jogging in the ... (5.00) (3.71) 
?Spagett (5.00) (3.93) 
?Stephanie Blows Town (5.00) (4.35) 
?Meow (5.00) (4.28) 
?Wobble (5.00) (3.73)