"if you can read this the number that relates to the text line that you cannot read is a rough estimate of your display resolution. if you can read these last few lines, your display is better than mine." I got to "your display resolution" as-is. opened gif, stopped on a clear frame, actually guessing on the last line. if you can understand this message, then you keep the five.
I figured out something about NSFW voting . . . I was getting past the m/d/y with the quickest way possible . . . earliest m/d/y available from drop-down . . . and I could never vote. I logged out, cleared out the browser cookies, and re-logged in w/actual b-date . . . ?id=asdfjkl99999xxxx appeared after I tried voting this time. It worked . . . apparently, the age limit also applies to the elderly, haha.
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