sandalsmith's recent comments:

March 16th, 2025
On on the site ?Burns
This song was actually used on The Simpsons in the iconic season 11 episode "Saddlesore Galactica" during a montage scene.
March 13th, 2025
You call me creatively bankrupt yet you're artwork looks like it was made by a 12 year old. You have 0 creative bones in your body. (

Face it. You're just another loser furfag with no talent, and you're more concerned with what I do on ytmnd than pursuing a meaningful life. It would serve you well to stop jacking it to furry porn all day. I made a handful of sites to show my friends, you for whatever reason took insult to that, and since you've never experienced happiness in your life, you thought it was appropriate to take a stranger's face, PhotoShop it onto gay furry porn and call them a sexual predator. If you weren't a terminally online retard you would have realized that was not a smart move. Now you have to deal with the consequences of using the internet irresponsibly and you can't handle it. Stop commenting on my sites and stop looking at them. Nobody cares about this website and they certainly don't care about you!
March 8th, 2025
"Hoo boy."
March 7th, 2025
I'll be honest: yes, I did go overboard with the two YTMNDs I made insulting you. Especially the most recent one, which is an understatement.

Look, I'll be fine to leave you alone and get rid of the drama bullshit shitposts, so long as you decide to leave *me* alone too. I don't know what bug you still have up your ass to where you keep downvoting my stupid little memes. I've taken peeks at your activity here every time you've done so. All you really care to do here is to keep picking a fight with me.

If you want to have your self-insert YTMNDs that no one cares about, fine. I'm used to it, just like I'm used to Skanda's infinite simping sites. Or Pichuz / Derpy's mentally ill blabber-journals, or whatever they fuck they're doing. I know for a fact that I've been a huge asshole here ever since I made this account. I used to use YTMND in its heyday, back in the aughts, so I probably care a little too much about this dead shitpost site that its creator has all but abandoned.

But like I'd happily tell that Goatse twat if he wasn't a spam account? People still use YTMND, however small the userbase is and, even smaller, those who use it regularly. Before I flipped shit on you, I even gave fair ratings to sites of yours I thought were okay. Evidence of this was in the backdrop of my furry porn insult site about you.

I come here to check out the old proto-memes from the aughts, the new stuff my fellow nostalgia-blind users make, and to post my own memes. I don't feel like putting up another dumbass fight at this point. But I don't like being pushed around by some punkass rando on the internet, especially not on such a small community as this. I'm a stubborn cunt like that.

tl;dr Cut your prissy shit out and I'll take back all of mine, like I've done before with others here. Keep fucking with me and I'll do the same. Deal?
February 27th, 2025
Just stop commenting on my sites, faggot. I thought you'd eventually get the picture, but somehow I need to spell it out for you. You made a site that implied that I was a sexual predator and another that implied I was sucking your dick in some pathetic furry fantasy. Yet somehow you're surprised that I continue to downvote your sites and expose you for the massive loser that you are. If you can't handle the embarrassment of being unpopular on a dead website, you need to seek professional help because at this point, it's just sad.
February 14th, 2025
SandalSmith? Hoo boy. His whole idea of content here are self-inserts. He seems to hold a vendetta against me because I've constantly talked smack about his YTMNDs. Now he downvotes mine every time they come up. I flew way, way off the handle and pulled a SqrlyJack (don't ask) to try and insult him. So basically it's a rivalry thing, because we're both too stubborn and butthurt at each other to quit. At least he barely uses YTMND, unlike Derpy.
February 1st, 2025
Free Palestine