hey cockblocks! this site got donations therefore HELPED YTMND. SO..maybe you guys should be thanking lue for making a joke/fad that is helping the site, instead of whining like little babies because gee, they confused a few people...THATS WHAT MADE IT SO
ahaha i have that same microwave, just bought it, and my first comment to mom was "any more brothers or sisters, and THATS where they go!" at which point she shrugged, looked at the baby setting and pointed "well, they have a timer for it.."
oh and just a teasing thought (please don't flame me folks) what if you changed the guy being run down by the bumper car to a certain, um, internet lohan thief? >:) (seriously not trying to start a flame war, its just the first funny image that came to m
well, found darthy, then O RLY, oh man and that dildo.....i just about wrote YTMND myself, oh and craven, HE PUT THOSE KEYWORDS SO WE HAVE A CLUE WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR. therefore, they ARE relevant. very nicely done :)
haha chuck norris and guy peeing FTW! now only to find darth. . . *keeps looking* man....and i thought I loved waldo as a kid....wonder if they sell the old books on ebay....
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