relax's votes:

relax has made 26 total votes, with an average rating of 3.85.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?300TMND: NES style (5.00) (4.51) 
?baby tunnel (5.00) (4.49) 
?Come my minions! (5.00) (4.46) 
?you can tell by the way i use my wok (5.00) (4.17) 
?PS3 Launch simulator announced (4.00) (4.10) 
?Gears of War is LOADING! (1.00) (2.51) 
?What is Youtube!? (4.00) (4.07) 
?Nelson fade away... (4.00) (4.37) 
?(nsfw) Japan explains Steve Irwin's Death (1.00) (1.54) 
?His spirit lives on . . . (4.00) (4.62) 
?YTMNDers make great Neighbors (V.1.6) (4.00) (4.42) 
?hot chick doesn't change bodily expressions (5.00) (4.23) 
?YTMND needs Money (new site design revealed) - ... (4.00) (4.42) 
?Sonic 2 - Point of No Return (5.00) (3.99) 
?YTMND - The Official Soundtrack (4.00) (3.93) 
? (5.00) (4.62) 
?YTMND Is Cereal (4.00) (4.22) 
?Marty likes to Watch (3.00) (3.20) 
?Not even.... (1.00) (2.56) 
?Star Wars Twist (4.00) (4.10) 
?Mario hates Picard (5.00) (4.33) 
?Eye of the Cosby(fixed verse/chorus somewhat) (3.00) (4.28) 
?Darth Vader is Mufasa (3.00) (4.60) 
?Hello Peter, Whats Happening (5.00) (4.59) 
?bacon dispenser (4.00) (4.35)