...have no expansionist doctrine like religions do. obviously the dictator of a communist state is a lunatic murderous bastard, his religious afiliation does not determine how many will die. it may define the reasons he chooses to kill people. in the koran it says to kill infidels. in every holy book, there are a multitude of texts advising what to do with nonbelievers, most are unreasonable and violent. show me in the atheist handbook where it says to kill christians (and i will do it).
...people will go to hell, just because they don't believe the liar jesus chrust. you're obviously a f*cking idiot. and dont think that religious states wouldnt, dont, or have never killed atheists for declining to believe in bullsh*t spirituality. religious people dying as a result of a communist state is an ideological conflict. it is not a crime based on atheist philosophy since we prescribe to no creed, but political ambition. you are saying that atheists kill because we are atheists, but we...
youre completely missing the point. ATHEISTS are not associated by any formal organization, like organized religion. we do not agree on all the same things or compell each other to. in addition, those atheist dictators were not killing people in the name of atheism. on the other hand, those religious people were killing others for being of a different faith. ANY atheist i know, does not advocate death for religious people. most religious people (christians) that i know, are convinced that even good..
that was so slow and obviously propaganda i didnt bother watching past the first one or two screens of text. not only that, but the rest of your sites suck anus as well. so im just gonna vote now.
...you might also want to research the egyptian god horus, whose story was told for centuries before the liar jesus was righteously punished by romans, who for their just feat, were the inspiration for Trojan brand condoms. It's funny, horus lives nearly the exact same life as what is told in the 'gospels'. so does krishna, and a host of other spiritually deceptive people who have lived throughout time. the overwhelming evidence in favour of imposters ptretending to be the son of god, rules in my favour
hey whetstone, i can prove that god (as defined by you and other christians) does not exist. it's called 'history'. you see before christianity, there was judaism, and before that there were all these egyptian religions. now the funny thing is, those egyptians religions bear a striking resemblance to judaism and christianity. concepts of the dying and reviving god, based mainly on the idea that the seasons change, everything dies in winter, and in spring, plants grow, mammals procreate, etc.....
go on lowping. we atheists are the ignorant ones for dashing casuistry several millenia old as we enter the 21st century. you can go on oppressing those who believe different than you now. keep voting republican, by the way. they have a firm overall grasp on the concept of separating church and state for a fair and equal society. you f*cking bonehead.
burning and torturing those silly *ss christian cult members used to be so much fun. what has happened to the world? what have we become? when we let these moralising scumbag f*cks have a priviledged position in society to tell us what is moral and what is not, according to THEIR SUBJECTIVE belief system. the very existence of their omniscient overbeing is not only arguable, it is rather easy to prove as a false religion. and i thought the stoning of steven was when i rolled a joint for my brother.
boost that one up kids. angel of death = automatic 5. melting faces plus wicked ghost effects from rotla = 5 more if i could give em. so ill just smoke a fatty for you instead. in like 5 mins.
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