Its funny how lawyer don't understand how internet works. They don't seem to understand that you didn't send any of these spoilers. And anyways taking these down would be against liberty of expression, even if its just a stupid fad.
Do you really think it will bother you that much if there is like one on a thousand pages that written in another language, anyways if you havent seen that movie its completly irrelevant.
Quebec is protecting its economy just like the usa, and quebec is full of american stuff, movies, music just like everywhere else in canada. Its just that the only movies or music we can get in our language from outside is either poorly translated or coming from france so i guess if we want something we can relate to and appreciate fully we have to do it ourselves. And by the way where did you heard that thing about quebec expelling everything non-quebecois?
Isnt that dude the one who helped to scrap the avro arrow project, and screwed a little more the canadian economy? And durham wrote a report stating that french canadian had no history and culture and that british culture was the best. And wasnt that line part of pulp fiction ?
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