I hate people who do that. It's stupid and you're going to knock someone out. You should be intimidated by a mosh pit, not afraid of getting kicked in the face.
Take an aerial photograph with a tilt-shift lens and what would be a real-looking photo looks like a model.
You can also shop it.
History of my user name. Back when I was little, I used to be into pokemon. There was a site called ThePojo.com I stole the pojo portion of my name from him. Who cares. I added 65 at the end of it because I was into Eiffel 65. Give me a break. I was young. At some point my hotmail addresss (pojo_65@hotmail.com) was stolen so I changed it to pojo_66 (I don't care if you send email. Then I took the oppertunity to somewhat mask my past. If you have read this far, thank you for pretending you care.
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