play0r's votes:

play0r has made 45 total votes, with an average rating of 3.78.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?The Un-Funny Truth About Scientology (5.00) (4.65) 
?The Un-Funny SEQUEL About Scientology (5.00) (4.59) 
?"oh, Auntie Em!" (an NEDM affair)... (5.00) (4.38) 
?Can't Break Scotty's Stride (4.00) (4.50) 
?FFXI Goobbue ualeualeule (4.00) (3.36) 
?Cosby Bebop (5.00) (4.64) 
?I come... from the water! (5.00) (3.11) 
?choco cosby (5.00) (4.37) 
?Things are looking bad for Indiana Jones (5.00) (4.43) 
?tatewaki (5.00) (2.33) 
?Onyxia is serious business. (1.00) (3.32) 
?Hot Like Magee (2.00) (2.67) 
?Muppet Sean Connery Teaches Typing (5.00) (4.36) 
?(nsfw) Tourettes Guy: The More You Know PSA (... (5.00) (4.07) 
?Chuck Norris Rocket Duel! (5.00) (3.98) 
?Mayor Ben Is Friggin Creepy! (2.00) (3.98) 
?Classic WWF Valentine (1.00) (2.24) 
?Darth Barker Kills Contestant (updated text) (4.00) (4.35) 
?A Negro has Purloined Conan's Bicycle! (5.00) (4.19) 
?Will Ferrell Moskau (4.00) (4.15) 
?Chosen one sees so much beauty(updated) (2.00) (3.81) 
?Captain, they are now locking LASERS on us. (3.00) (4.05) 
?MacGyver Saves Solid Snake (4.00) (3.55) 
?cosplay mishap 10 (3.00) (3.81) 
?N*gg* Stole Conan's Bike (5.00) (4.50) 
?lol titanic (4.00) (4.39) 
?Jesus noooooo! (3.00) (4.34) 
?Safety Not Guaranteed (5.00) (4.61) 
?Chunk is Indestructible (4.00) (4.51) 
?Temple of Time: Safety Not Guaranteed! (3.00) (4.43)