I thought the YTMND was okay. At least the song is different. As a device to get people active, cool too. But YTMND has never been a good medium for politics or discussion at all.
onreload said:
It's actually against Islam to
depict mohammed, so by drawing him, you're kind of directly insulting him -
and then sodomizing him. Nobody does that to the Jesus.
Did we forget about the apostles or something?
Nekida said: -2 for spelling definately wrong and not capatalizing I'm. SPELLING NAZI
Capitalizing and definitely.
I love you, Than.
I agree with skfyre and jbizzle. Also, Peterguy has massive balls for putting this up on YTMND. I know I shouldn't, but I have one thing to add to the debate- What about pantheism?
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